Affordable Housing & Infrastructure (I-BOND) Public Oversight Committee
Our regular scheduled meeting is set for 2nd Monday of each Quarter from 5:00pm – 7:00pm at City Hall Hearing Room #2, unless otherwise indicated elsewhere.
Our regular scheduled meeting is set for 2nd Monday of each Quarter from 5:00pm – 7:00pm at City Hall Hearing Room #2, unless otherwise indicated elsewhere.
The Alameda County-Oakland Community Action Partnership Administrating Board aims to improve our community by creating pathways that lead to economic empowerment and prosperity.
Oakland's Bicyclist & Pedestrian Advisory Commission (BPAC) advises the City Council on programs and projects related to walking and bicycling. BPAC meetings are on the third Thursday of the month from 6-8 and open to the public.
The Budget Advisory Commission (BAC) advises the City Council on expenditures, revenues, and financial policies. The BAC’s advice generally takes the form of informational reports submitted to the Finance & Management Committee of the City Council. The BAC generally meets on the second Wednesday of the month.
The Business Tax Board of Review reviews taxpayers appeals on assessments under the business license tax laws.
The CRC makes recommendations to the City Council regarding the licensure, taxation, and regulations of cannabis for adult use and oversees the implementation of the private Adult Cannabis Offenses Policy.
The Oakland Children’s Initiative (Measure AA) is a 2018 Charter Amendment passed by the voters of Oakland to deepen our early investment in children and support them to and through college graduation.
The responsibilities of the Civil Service Board include enforcement of the Civil Service Rules; approval of the exemption of positions from the competitive service; approval of classification specifications and performing appellate duties
The Commission on Homelessness provides oversight of the Oakland vacant property tax received by the City of Oakland for homeless services and makes recommendations to the City Council for strategies to remedy homelessness. After February 28, 2023, Commission on Homelessness meetings will be held in person only (see News item below for details). Click "See All Meeting" below for the full meeting schedule.
The CPAB supports block, neighborhood and community empowerment, civic engagement and public safety by encouraging and supporting connection, collaboration and problem solving between neighbors and among residents throughout Oakland.
The CWA Task Force has been assembled to address social and racial equity provisions in the development of a Community Workforce Agreement.
The Cultural Affairs Commission is an advisory body to the Mayor, City Council, and City Administrator on matters affecting cultural development in Oakland.
Pursuant to Article 10 of the California Emergency Services Act, local governments may establish a disaster council by ordinance to develop plans for meeting any condition constituting a local emergency or state of emergency.
The Advisory Board provides oversight of quality services for Head Start children and families and for making decisions related to program design and implementation. These decisions and recommendations are shared with the City Council annually or as requested.
The Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board identifies historic landmarks in Oakland, conducts design review hearings on historic properties, and advises the Planning Commission and City Council on preservation.
The Library Commission makes recommendations to the Oakland City Council; provides citizen oversight of Measure C and Measure D tax funds; and advocates on behalf of Library programs and services.
The Mayor’s Commission on Aging was established in 1980 to advise the Mayor and the City Council about issues affecting Oakland seniors.
The Mayor’s Commission on Persons with Disabilities (MCPD) represents and addresses the concerns of the disability community.
The Oakland - Alameda County Coliseum Authority is a joint powers agency established by the City of Oakland and the County of Alameda to finance improvements to the Coliseum Complex and to manage the Coliseum Complex on behalf of the City and the County.
The purpose of the Oversight Commission is to ensure compliance with the Jobs Policies in connection with the redevelopment of the former Oakland Army Base.
The Oakland Housing Authority was established to receive federal funds to provide housing for low-income residents of the City of Oakland, California.
The Oakland Police and Fire Retirement System is dedicated to protection and prudent investing of the pension funds for the benefit of the PFRS retirees and beneficiaries. PFRS strives to give the beneficiaries of this retirement system friendly and courteous service.
The Oakland WDB oversees the federally-funded employment and training programs and services in Oakland. These programs and services help job seekers gain employment and connect businesses with a qualified workforce.
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