Planning & Building Forms

This page provides a series of Planning & Building forms for submitting and processing zoning and building applications and permits. They are provided here for your convenience, but you may need to talk to a planner, permit technician, or plan check engineer to advise you on the permits your project may require. Proposals may involve multiple permit approvals depending on the complexity of the land use issues and location of the proposed project.

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(510) 238-3891
Building Permits Counter

Planning/Zoning Forms & Information

  • Basic Application for Development Review - This application form is required for all planning & zoning permits except for pre-applications and Creek Protection Permits described below.
  • Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) - Apply for ADUs on Single-Family or Multi-Family parcels, use or pre-approved ADU plans, or read our how-to guides that summarize the latest requirements.
  • Supplemental Forms - Most applications also require supplemental forms including findings for conditional use permits, design review and variances.
  • Pre-application Form - Pre-applications are optional and allow you an opportunity to submit your preliminary plans for review by an assigned case planner.
  • Appeal Application Form - Appeal of a decision to the Planning Commission or City Council.
  • Creek Determination Application Form - A Creek Determination may be requested to identify whether or not a property within the City of Oakland is a creekside property, and therefore subject to regulation by the Creek Protection Ordinance.
  • Creek Protection Permit Application Form - Creek Protection Permit is required for any proposed construction activity occurring on a creekside property. The extent to which your development will be regulated by the Creek Protection Ordinance depends upon the location and type of proposed work.
  • Zoning Clearance (for Business License) - The first step to permitting a new business (including a home-based business) is the approval by the Planning Department of a Zoning Clearance.
  • Notice of Intent Pre-application for Streamlined Housing Development Review (SB 35) - This document serves as a pre-application form for submitting a Notice of Intent to apply for Streamlined Housing Development Review. California Government Code section 65913.4, also known as Senate Bill 35, requires the City to review qualifying housing development projects using a ministerial review process. 
  • Vesting Preliminary Housing Development Application (SB 330) - This Vesting Preliminary Application is intended strictly for seeking vesting of the zoning, design, subdivision, and fee requirements that apply to a housing development project pursuant to SB 330, the Housing Crisis Act of 2019.
  • Affordable Housing and High Road Jobs Act (AB 2011) Form - Applicants may use this form for housing development projects that are subject to streamlined, ministerial review pursuant to Chapter 4.1 (commencing with California Government Code section 65912.100) of Division 1 of Title 7 of the Government Code. Eligible projects must comply with site criteria, affordability criteria, and objective development standards.
  • Small Sites Residential Development and Parcel Subdivision (SB 684) Supplemental Form – Applicants may use this form for housing development projects that include the subdivision of a parcel into 10 or fewer lots, which are subject to streamlined, ministerial review pursuant to Government Code Sections 65852.28 and 66499.41 (also known as the Starter Home Revitalization Act). Eligible projects must comply with site criteria and objective development standards.
  • Affordable Housing Density Bonus Supplemental Form - Project applicants may use this form to request a Density Bonus or financially equivalent incentive(s) for a housing development that includes plans to construct a specified percentage of housing for low-income households, very low-income households, senior citizens, or providing child care facilities.
  • Housing Unit Inventory Supplemental Form - Applicant shall submit a Unit Inventory that accounts for all Dwelling Units, including any unpermitted units, that are proposed to be affected by the project proposal. The Unit Inventory shall be submitted concurrently with the Basic Application for Development Review (linked above). 
  • Equitable Climate Action Plan Project Consistency Checklist - Checklist to help determine whether a development project complies with the City of Oakland Equitable Climate Action Plan (ECAP) and the City of Oakland’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets. CEQA Guidelines require the analysis of GHG emissions and potential climate change impacts from new development. 
  • City of Oakland Standard Conditions of Approval - Oakland's Standard Conditions of Approval (SCAs) incorporate development policies and standards from various adopted plans, policies, and ordinances. The SCAs include uniformly applied development standards intended to reduce adverse environmental effects and include standards intended to address other issues of citywide concern. The SCAs as a whole are applied consistently to all development projects that require permits from the City of Oakland Planning Bureau at the time of approval, and each SCA individually states the circumstances that trigger its application to the project. In reviewing project applications, the Bureau of Planning determines which of the standard conditions are applied, based upon the specific characteristics of the project type, size, and location.
  • California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Thresholds of Significance - To help clarify and standardize analysis and decision-making in the environmental review process, the City of Oakland has established these CEQA Thresholds of Significance Guidelines (which have been in general use since at least 2002). These Thresholds are offered as guidance in preparing all environmental review documents (including Initial Studies and EIRs).
  • Zoning Permit Fees Schedule (2024-2025)

Building Permit Forms & Information

Permit-Related Checklists and Directives

Plan Check-Related Forms

Miscellaneous Forms

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Informational Documents

Posted: September 9th, 2018 1:02 PM

Last Updated: November 22nd, 2024 4:34 PM

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