The GPU Phase I Community Engagement map shows where the 90 community
events for Phase 1 of the GPU took place. Some stars overlap each other
where repeated events occurred. Excluded from this map are virtual
events and stakeholder focus groups.
Community Resources
General Plan Overview Video (Aug 2022)
Provides a general summary of Oakland's General Plan Update
Housing Element Overview Slideshow (Aug 2022)
Overview of Housing Element, what it covers, and the timeline for its development.
Oakland's Housing Element Video (Nov 2022)
Overview of Housing Element goals, community perspectives, and ways to provide feedback
Oakland's Safety Element Video (March 2023)
Overview of Safety Element, community perspectives, and ways to engage
Oakland's Environmental Justice (EJ) Element Video (April 2023)
Overview of Oakland's First EJ Element, community perspectives, and ways to engage
Map of GPU Phase 1 Community Engagement Events

Phase 1 GPU Communtiy Engagement Events, Focus Groups, and Public Meetings
Date | Meeting / Event | Information / Materials |
10/3/23 |
City Council Meeting - Phase 1 GPU Adoption Hearings |
9/26/23 |
Special City Council Meeting - Phase 1 GPU Adoption Hearings |
9/19/23 |
City Council Meeting- Phase 1 GPU Adoption Hearings |
9/12/23 |
Community & Economic Development Committee- Phase 1 GPU Adoption Hearings |
8/2/23 |
7/11/23 |
Public Safety Committee Study Session on Public Review Drafts Safety and Environmental Justice Element |
7/11/23 |
Community and Economic Development Committee Study Session on Phase 1 General Plan Zoning Code Amendments |
6/30/23 |
6/29/23, 2pm-7pm |
6/27/23, 1:30pm-4pm |
6/27/23, 2pm-7pm |
6/24/23, 11am-6pm |
General Plan Pop-Up | Oakland 16th Annual Juneteenth Celebration & Street Festival, Freedom Day! |
6/23/23, 5pm-9pm |
6/21/23 |
Encampment Outreach led by The Village |
6/17/23 |
Fam Bam 14th Annual Oakland Juneteenth Festival |
6/17/23 |
6/16/23 |
6/15/23 |
Encampment Outreach led by The Village |
6/14/23 |
GPU | Community Workshop on Safety and Environmental Justice Elements |
6/13/23 |
Encampment Outreach led by The Village |
6/12/23 |
GPU Pop-Up Compassion In Action Festival |
6/8/23 |
Encampment Outreach led by The Village |
6/6/23 |
GPU | Virtual Workshop on Safety and Environmental Justice Elements |
6/3/23 |
6/2/2023 |
GPU Pop-Up | Celebrating Our HeART-filled Heritage: Pasifika Futurism, the SPULU Experience |
5/20/23 |
5/20/23 |
5/17/23 |
Planning Commission Meeting - Study Session on Public Review Draft Safety and Environmental Justice Elements |
5/10/23 |
5/1/23 |
Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Meeting - Discuss Phase 1 Zoning Amendments |
4/25/23 |
4/19/23 |
Planning Commission Meeting - Discuss Draft Environmental Impact Report |
4/13/23 |
4/12/23 |
Zoning Update Committee of the Planning Commission - Discuss Phase 1 Zoning Amendments |
4/3/23 |
Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Meeting - Discuss Phase 1 Zoning Amendments |
Canceled due to lack of quorum |
3/31/23 |
3/18/23 |
No Deeply Rooted engagement conducted. |
3/15/23 |
Zoning Update Committee of the Planning Commission Meeting - Discuss Phase 1 Zoning Amendments |
3/15/23 |
3/7/23 |
Missing Middle Zoning Amendments Focus Group |
2/26/23 |
2/25/23 |
No Deeply Rooted engagement was conducted at this event due to language barriers. |
2/5/23 |
2/4/23 |
General Plan Pop-up: Lunar New Year x Black History Month Celebration of Black and Asian Solidarity |
1/31/23 |
Special Meeting of Oakland City Council - Housing Element Public Hearing |
1/24/23 |
Community and Economic Development Committee - Housing Element Public Hearing |
1/11/23 |
Planning Commission - Housing Element Public Hearing |
12/17/22 |
General Plan Pop-Up: Fruitvale Posada |
12/17/22 |
12/16/22 |
Affordable Housing Overlay Stakeholder Focus Group |
12/16/22 |
General Plan Pop-Up: AKOMA Grand Market and the 5th Annual Black Sunday Holiday Expo |
12/14/22 |
12/10/22 |
General Plan Pop-Up: Joy 12: A People’s Rhythmic Vibration & Energy |
12/3/2022 |
General Plan Pop-Up: Eastside's Annual Holiday Art and Book Fair |
11/21/2022 |
10/30/2022 |
10/28/22 |
General Plan Pop-Up at LFCD Domestic Violence Awareness Event | |
10/26/22 |
Industrial Lands Focus Group 2 |
10/21/2022 |
10/8/2022 |
9/29/2022 |
9/15/2022 and 9/27/2022 |
8/31/2022 |
Industrial Lands Focus Group 1 |
8/29/2022 |
West Oakland Community Tour, organized by West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project (WOEIP) |
8/28/2022 |
8/27/2022 |
General Plan Pop-Up at International Overdose Awareness Day |
8/6/2022 |
8/5/2022 |
Date | Meeting / Event | Information / Materials |
7/26/2022 |
7/23/2022 |
7/8/2022 |
Safety Element Focus Group Discussion #2 |
7/7/2022 |
Environmental Justice Focus Group 1 |
7/3/2022 |
General Plan Pop-Up: Akoma Market – Malcolm X Jazz Arts Festival Part 2 |
7/1/2022 7/8/2022 |
6/30/2022 |
Safety Element Focus Group Discussion #1 |
6/24/2022 |
6/20/2022 |
West Oakland Cultural Action Network's Juneteenth Celebration |
6/19/2022 |
West Oakland Environmental Indicator Project's Juneteenth Celebration |
6/9/2022 |
6/4/2022 |
General Plan Pop-Up: Queer Trans Asian Pride – A Community Gathering |
6/4/2022 |
6/1/2022 |
5/26/2022 |
5/24/22 |
5/21/2022 |
5/18/2022 |
5/12/22 - 5/19/22 |
Stakeholder Discussion Groups
5/14/2022 |
5/12/2022 |
5/10/2022 |
5/5/2022 |
4/30/2022 |
4/27/2022 |
4/26/2022 |
4/23/2022 |
4/16/2022 |
4/12/2022 |
4/9/2022 |
4/8/2022 |
4/7/2022 |
3/26/2022 |
3/19/2022 |
3/12/2022 |
3/10/2022 |
Housing Element Focus Group Discussion #2: Production, Preservation, and Protections |
3/8/2022 |
3/6/2022 |
3/5/2022 |
3/2/2022 |
2/28/2022 |
2/27/2022 |
2/25/2022 |
General Plan Pop-Up #9: Community Healing Event with Asian Health Services! |
2/22/2022 |
2/20/2022 |
2/18/2022 |
2/17/2022 |
Housing Element Workshop 2 - Housing Programs and Inclusive Neighborhoods |
2/10/2022 |
2/9/2022 |
2/6/2022 |
Cultural Hub #1: Oakland Asian Cultural Center (OACC) Asian Pacific New Year Celebration |
2/2/2022 |
2/2/2022 |
Housing Element Focus Group Discussion #1: Housing Sites |
1/16/2022 |
12/25/2021 |
Pop-up Event #6: Outreach at San Antonio Christmas Food Distribution |
12/21/2021 |
Technical Advisory Committee: Meeting 1 |
12/17/2021 |
Pop-up Event #5: Outreach at Centro Legal Newcomers Resource Fair |
11/13/2021 |
11/7/2021 |
11/6/2021 |
Neighborhood Council (NC) & Community Group Presentations
Date | Name of Organization |
10/19/22 |
NCPC Beat 33X/34X (Elmhurst Council) |
9/28/22 |
Coliseum/Melrose Neighborhood Council (Beat 26X/Y) |
9/21/22 |
Piedmont Avenue Neighborhood Improvement League (PANIL) |
8/18/22 |
Rockridge Community Planning Council |
8/18/22 |
San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR) |
7/27/22 |
Millsmont, Evergreen, Millsbrae NC 29X |
7/14/22 |
Prescott NC (Beat 2Y/5Y) |
7/13/22 |
San Antonio NCPC |
6/22/22 |
Melrose 27X NC |
6/15/22 |
Better Neighborhoods Same Neighbors |
6/2/22 |
Hoover/Foster Resident Action Committee |
6/2/22 |
Adams Point Neighborhood Group |
6/1/22 |
Beat 35X NC |
6/1/22 |
5/25/22 |
St. Mary's Center and Satellite Affordable Housing Associates |
5/25/22 |
Eastmont NC (Beat 30Y) |
5/19/22 |
Joaquin Miller Neighborhood Action Council (Beat 22Y) |
5/18/22 |
Chinatown Neighborhood Council (Beat3X) |
5/13/22 |
United Seniors of Oakland and Alameda County |
5/12/22 |
Beat 30x “66-82” NCPC |
5/10/22 |
Friends of Cleveland Heights (Beat 15X) |
5/5/22 |
Beat 6 Advocates (Beat 6X) |
5/5/22 |
Hoover/Foster Resident Action Committee |
5/5/2022 |
Prescott Neighborhood Council (Beat 2Y/5Y) |
5/5/22 |
West Oakland Neighbors (WON) (Beat 7X) |
5/4/22 |
WOCAP Steering Committee |
4/28/22 |
40x40 |
4/27/22 |
Asian Advisory Committee Against Crime (Beat 3X) |
4/21/222 |
Beat 32X Neighborhood Council |
4/20/22 |
Fruitvale Unity Neighborhood Council |
4/20/22 |
Allendale Park Community Council (Beat 24Y) |
4/14/22 |
Neighbors Connecting for Positive Change (Beat 21X/Y) |
4/13/22 |
Laurel/Redwood/Leona Neighborhood Council (Beat 25X) |
4/6/22 |
Uptown/Gold Coast (Beat 4X) |
4/4/22 |
Oak Center Neighborhood Association |
Photos from Outreach Events
Oakland 2045 General Plan
The community engagement effort for the GPU is a key component and will include an extensive and inclusive community outreach process, with additional resources dedicated to engaging communities historically underrepresented and excluded from traditional planning processes and often most negatively impacted by City policies. Our partner, the Deeply Rooted Collaborative, (a partnership of 13 community groups) will conduct community engagement focused on reaching Oakland’s most impacted residents. This includes working class communities, communities of color, unhoused people, formerly incarcerated individuals, undocumented folks, youth, and communities who are experiencing environmental injustices.