Measure KK at Work! Oakland’s 2016 Affordable Housing and Infrastructure Bond

In November 2016, Oakland voters approved Measure KK, providing $600 million in bond funding for street improvements, public facilities, and affordable housing projects.

Cover page of a presentation showing at-a-glance highlights of Measure KK improvements

Click below to view at-a-glance highlights of how Measure KK has improved Oakland's infrastructure.

View Measure KK highlights


This page provides at-a-glance summaries and maps of the work the City has delivered with Measure KK funding. It also compiles the detailed accountability reporting on Measure KK fund expenditures, including reports made to the Public Oversight Committee and to City Council. Lastly, it provides an overview of projects that received Measure KK funding in all three of the categories specified in the ballot measure, which are:

  1. Streets and Roads Projects, managed by the Oakland Department of Transportation (OakDOT)
  2. Facilities Projects, managed by Oakland Public Works (OPW), and
  3. Anti-Displacement and Affordable Housing Preservation Projects, managed by the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).

Measure KK funds were released in multiple segments or “tranches” as shown below. A fifth and final tranche will be issued in the future.

  • Tranche 1: $117,855,000 in August 2017
  • Tranche 2: $184,890,000 in February of 2020
  • Tranche 3: $220,000,000 in February 2022
  • Tranche 4: $55,708,000 in October 2023

After voters approved Measure KK, staff conducted a citywide community engagement effort to build community priorities into the process itself – producing a scorecard that quantitatively prioritized community-voiced values like equity, health, and safety. All projects competing for funding are now ranked on that scorecard, which was coauthored with community input. Additionally, the City established for the first time a process by which all community members may request or propose capital projects to be scored as a part of that process. To learn more about this – including how and when you can propose future capital projects – visit the CIP web page.

Streets and Roads Projects

2022 5 Year Paving Plan Schedule
2022 5 Year Paving Plan Schedule

For decades prior to Measure KK, the City's available paving funding was sufficient only to prioritize a handful of major streets for repaving. With the influx of funding from Measure KK and the improvement of guaranteed gas tax revenues (Senate Bill 1), the City has increased paving efforts on neighborhood streets while still keeping major streets in good condition.

Paving in Oakland is based on adopted multi-year paving plans. The most recent previous plan was adopted in 2019. Following policy direction from City Council and guiding values named within Measure KK itself, the 2019 plan incorporated equity, street condition, and safety to prioritize repaving and encompasses activities between July 2019 and June 2022. A new 5-year paving plan took effect July 1, 2022. A map of Measure KK-funded paving in Oakland is provided above.

Of the total $350 million of Measure KK bonds authorized and allocated to Streets and Roads Projects, $221.5 million has been budgeted and is dedicated to street repaving. In 2016, at the passage of Measure KK, only 15% of local neighborhood streets were rated as in good or excellent condition. In 2021, 28% of local neighborhood streets were rated as in good or excellent condition, an increase of 13%. Between July 1, 2017, and June 30, 2023, 182 centerline miles were repaved. 98% were funded with Measure KK dollars.

Measure KK has also supported additional OakDOT programs including the Complete Streets Capital Projects, the ADA Curb Ramps and City Sidewalk Reconstruction Program and the Neighborhood Traffic Safety/Safe Routes to Schools program.

Project Examples:

Complete Streets Capital Project: The 14th Street Safety Project will invest significant safety improvements along busy 14th Street, improving connections to Downtown for all pedestrians, bikers, shoppers and transit riders in Downtown Oakland.

Neighborhood Traffic Safety/Safe Routes to School: The Crossing to Safety - Park Blvd. at East 38th Street and Excelsior Avenue project will expand sidewalks, install pedestrian signs and signals, and add landscaping, plastic delineators, pavement markings and signs to slow traffic and increase pedestrian safety.

Paving: The Martin Luther King Jr. Complete Streets Paving Project will deliver several pedestrian safety improvements through repaving and the installing bicycle lanes on a very busy vehicular corridor.

Further information on the Paving Program and other Measure KK-funded OakDOT programs can be found at the links below:

FY 2023-25 Complete Streets Capital Projects: Not all projects funded with Measure KK
FY 2023-25 Complete Streets Capital Projects: Not all projects funded with Measure KK

Facilities Projects

Like many cities, Oakland has a variety of aging facilities such as police and fire stations, recreation centers, libraries, and parks that need to be rehabilitated or replaced. The City of Oakland puts infrastructure dollars to work by implementing capital projects through its Capital Improvement Program, or CIP, which the City Council adopts every two years as part of the budget process. Capital projects can range from restoring aging public buildings, to creating or improving our parks, to improving streets and sidewalks, as described in further detail above.

The table below shows select Facilities projects managed by Oakland Public Works that received Measure KK funding, as reported to City Council by the Finance Department in February of 2022. Community-initiated projects are marked with an asterisk (*). These are highlighted examples from a list of more than 80 projects receiving funding from the measure.

See a full list of Measure KK-funded facilities projects.

Project Name/Address Total Funds Allocated Funds Spent as of 6/30/23 Description

Oakland Tool Lending Library at Temescal Branch/5205 Telegraph Ave



Design, construction, and installation of a complete and independent Tool Lending Library space behind the Temescal Branch Library

Caldecott Trail/North Oakland Sports Field Trail Head/6900 Broadway



Improves and expands an existing trail from North Oakland Sports Field to a future connection to Skyline Blvd; Limited to trailhead and ADA access/parking improvements

Lincoln Square Recreation Center Renovation/Expansion Project*/250 10th St



Complete renovation/ expansion/reconstruction of the Recreation Center

Main Library Renovation Phase 2/ 125 14th Street



Electrical and security upgrades to Main Library

Mosswood Recreation Center Rebuild*/ 3612 Webster St



Creates a Master Plan, park and building use program, and design of new community center after fire destroyed the recreation center

Brookdale Recreation Center*/ 2535 High St



Complete Site Master Plan: Plan for renovation/expansion of existing recreation center and Science Discovery Center and renovation of ballfield/courts/playground

Allendale Park Tot Lot/3711 Suter St



Replaces existing playground and installs new playground equipment and safety surface

Head Start – Manzanita Center Renovation/ 2701 22nd Ave



Converts existing kitchen area to toddler restroom required for Head Start program, replaces flooring, and renovates courtyard play yard

Oakland Fire Department Apron & Hardscape – Citywide Stations/ Multiple Locations



Replaces/repairs broken/deficient concrete aprons and sidewalks/parking areas at Fire Stations 5, 19, 13, 10 and 17

Arroyo Viejo Recreation Center*/ 7701 Krause Ave



Renovation and possible expansion of the existing 12,300 SF recreation center

Digital Arts & Culinary Academy Phase 2 Renovation/ 5818 International Blvd



Remodels facility to include additional classrooms, gender neutral bathroom, storage, lighting, sprinkler, façade renovation/painting, security cameras, IT and support space, code improvements, and site improvements

Rainbow Recreation Center* Expansion/Addition/ 5800 International Blvd



Demolish existing 4100 SF and rebuild 8,200 SF center including two multipurpose rooms, daycare room, computer room, restrooms with shower, kitchen, pantry, office, and various site improvements

FY 2023-25 Funded Public Works Projects: Not all projects funded with Measure KK
FY 2023-25 Funded Public Works Projects: Not all projects funded with Measure KK

Anti-Displacement and Affordable Housing Preservation Projects

Measure KK Stats HCD as of 6 30 2023
Measure KK Stats HCD as of 6 30 2023

A total of $100 million of Measure KK funds was allocated to affordable housing projects – a first tranche of bond funds totaling $55,120,000 in 2017, and the remaining $44,880,000 in a second bond tranche released in 2020. Eligible expenditures for the bond funds include transitional housing, site acquisition, acquisition and conversion to affordable housing of existing properties, rehabilitation and preservation, and new construction.

As of June 30, 2023, approximately $78,840,278 has been spent and $21,159,722 is encumbered, totaling 100% of the total funds allocated. HCD has committed and expended Measure KK funds towards the acquisition, new construction and/or rehabilitation of approximately 1,713 units. Out of these, 665 units, or just under 40 percent, are for extremely low-income households (0-30 percent of Area Median Income). This number of units will increase as the remaining Measure KK funds are allocated to additional projects in future Notices of Funding Availability (NOFAs) in 2022 and 2023.

Anti-Displacement and Affordable Housing Preservation Projects funded through Measure KK are divided into four broad categories: New Construction, Acquisition and Conversion to Affordable Housing (ACAH), Rehabilitation, and Homekey/Acquisition of Transitional Housing Facilities.

Project Highlight - New construction: Camino 23

Camino 23 is a mixed-use, multifamily apartment building with 37 Affordable Units, each of which have income limit requirements of 20% - 50% Area Median Income (AMI). Located in the City's San Antonio District, five of the units are mandated for persons with HIV/AIDS. The total cost for Camino 23 was $25,330,000, $100,000 of which came from Measure KK funds, and additional $1,150,000 came from other City funds. The project was a joint effort from several partners, including Federal, State, and Local government entities including the Oakland Housing Authority.

Camino 23 Affordable Housing Project
Camino 23 Affordable Housing Project

Measure KK Background and Legislative History

On November 8, 2016, more than two-thirds of the qualified voters of the City approved Measure KK, authorizing the City to issue $600 million general obligation bonds “to improve public safety and invest in neighborhoods throughout Oakland by re-paving streets to remove potholes, rebuilding cracked and deteriorating sidewalks, funding bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements, funding affordable housing for Oaklanders, and providing funds for facility improvements such as neighborhood recreation centers, playgrounds and libraries.” Projects to be funded include the following:

1. Streets and Roads Projects ($350 million)

  • Street paving and reconstruction
  • Bicycle and pedestrian improvements; bikeways, City sidewalks, paths, stairs, streetscape, curb ramps
  • Traffic calming improvements

2. Facilities Projects ($150 million)

  • Fire Facilities ($40 million)
  • Police Facility ($40 million)
  • Libraries ($15 million)
  • Parks, Recreation and Senior Facilities ($35 million)
  • Water, energy and seismic improvements consistent with the City’s Equitable Climate Action Plan ($20 million)

3. Anti-Displacement and Affordable Housing Preservation Projects ($100 million)

  • Funds may be spent on the acquisition, rehabilitation, or new construction of affordable housing as set forth in the Affordable Bond Law Ordinance

Links to Detailed Accountability Reports

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