
Resources for Closing Your Business

Even in the best of times, we know not all businesses survive. The pandemic has exasperated the challenges businesses face. Here are some resources for business owners who are considering closure or have already made the challenging decision to permanently close.

Resources for Pet Owners

Visit these links to resources and tips for guardians looking for assistance with their pets, including tips on behavior, and caring for a pet during financially challenging times.

Resources to help your Business

Periodically, the City’s Economic & Workforce Development Department will send important updates to businesses, nonprofits, independent contractors and our partner organizations who support them.

Restaurant Re-Opening Resources

As Oakland restaurants are allowed by County Order to re-open in stages, here are some resources to adapt to this new business environment.

Restaurant Revitalization Fund Grant

The American Rescue Plan includes $28.6 billion in grants for independent food service or drinking establishments, including caterers, brewpubs, taprooms, and tasting rooms, that have 20 or fewer locations (as of March 13, 2020) and are not publicly traded. The SBA will administer the grant program.

Restorative Justice for Youth

The OYC is thrilled to partner with Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth (RJOY) this year. So many of the issues we have been working on for the past couple of years, kept pointing us towards a need for more restorative justice in this city. Ten of our commissioners have been trained to become certified RJ Circle Keepers, and now, we are leading healing circles around our community and Youth Commission.

Retreat & Strategic Plan Ad Hoc

This ad hoc committee's temporary nature allows for a focused effort in organizing a strategic planning retreat and drafting a comprehensive plan to guide the commission's activities, initiatives, and decisions over a specified period. The strategic plan serves as a roadmap to help the police commission achieve its objectives, improve operations, and better serve the community.

Rules Ad Hoc

The Rules Ad Hoc is tasked with reviewing and refining the rules governing the work of the Oakland Police Commission.

Rules for Transporting Construction and Demolition Debris

Parties collecting, transporting or disposing of construction and demolition (C&D) debris in Oakland are required to obtain a Non-Exclusive Franchise (NEF) from the City of Oakland, (with limited exceptions, as described below).

Safer Housing for Oakland Program (SHOP)

The Safer Housing for Oakland Program (SHOP) offers grants to support seismic retrofits of apartment buildings with five or more units and a “soft story” condition. No additional applications are being accepted at this time. Please check back for updates. To be added to the waitlist, send an email to with your property address.

Safety Element, Adopted 2004

The Safety Element is a required chapter of the General Plan and is a policy framework to guide the public decision-making process on addressing natural and human-caused hazards.

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