Please note that Building Plan Check Engineers can only address issues related to the Building Code during their plan review. Examples of topics they can help with include:
- Notes or comments made by a specific Plan Check Engineer on approved documents.
- Feedback or comments made by a specific Plan Check Engineer during plan review.
- Proposed changes to documents approved by a specific Plan Check Engineer.
- Correction notices from City of Oakland inspectors related to discrepancies on the approved plans. When possible, both the City of Oakland inspector and the specific Plan Check Engineer should be present.
Plan Check Office Hours: Please consider sending an email to the project plan checker. Plan checkers can also hold virtual office hours via Microsoft TEAMS. Plan Check Directory:
To schedule an appointment with, or ask a question about a specific plan review by, a specific Plan Check Engineer:
- Find contact information for a specific engineer in the City of Oakland’s Building & Infrastructure Plan Check Engineers Directory. Contact them to arrange a meeting. To find the name of a specific Plan Check Engineer for your building permit application, visit Search for a specific permit number and check the "Processing Status" to find their name under "Plan Check Review."
- Provide the property address and building permit number. Be as specific as possible about your question and mention any relevant codes, if known.
- When scheduling an appointment, please provide all relevant information such as the desired appointment date, job address, permit number(s), and the reason for the appointment. Use the following link to schedule an appointment- City of Oakland | One-Stop Permit Center: In-Person & Expanded… (
For General Building Code Related Questions:
- Contact the City of Oakland Engineer of the Day (EOD) via email at
- Provide as much detail as possible about your question and any relevant codes, if known.
- Please see the resources listed below for questions that may be answered online.
Much of the information related to commercial and residential construction requirements and standards is available at the following web links:
- California Building, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Codes
- Planning and Building Codes (including City of Oakland Amendments to the California codes)
- Residential Repair Inspection Manual (a guide for permitted Residential Building Inspections)
- Commonly Requested Planning & Building Forms (required and informational forms and checklists)
- PG&E Green Book (includes all PG&E requirements for electric and gas services)
For questions about historical buildings or the Historical Building Code, please contact Betty Marvin at .
To check the status of a contractor’s license, or to file a complaint, please contact the California State License Board at (