Submit a Building or Zoning Revision for Your Permitted Project

During construction, you might need to make changes to your project and city-approved plans and permits. Most of the time, the building inspector will spot the need for changes and give you a correction notice with steps to follow. Below, you'll find the types of revisions and how to submit updated plans and/or information about the changes made for review and approval by Oakland's Planning & Building Department. Note: BW and ZW records are not permits; they are temporary records used to organize applications.

Building Revisions

If your project has made changes to the structure that were not part of the approved plans, please follow these steps: 

Step One: Fill out the online Plan Check Revision form. After submitting the web form, you will receive a completed PDF copy by email. 

Step Two

  • If a Building Inspector referred you to a Plan Checker, wait for the Plan Checker to review your request. 
  • Otherwise, apply for a Building Worksheet (BW) through our Online Permit Center.* 

*Note: You must register or log in to our Oakland Online Permit portal to apply and submit your Building Worksheet. 

Within the BW in the "Description of Work" box, type "Building Plan Check Revision" or "Revision to Project followed by your issued permit number i.e. RBC24001234": 

  • Write "Building Plan Check Revision" in the description field. 
  • Upload your completed Plan Check Revision form and all updated plans in the Documents section. 

Need Help? Watch our video: Create a Zoning or Building Worksheet for Your Permit. 

What’s Next? A City of Oakland Plan Check Engineer will email you with the next steps. 

Planning/Zoning Revisions

If your project has changed the exterior design of the building from the approved plans, follow these steps: 

Step One: Apply for and submit a Zoning Worksheet (ZW) through our Online Permit Center.* 

Note: You must log in or register before you can submit a Zoning Worksheet. 

In the box: 

  • Write "Planning/Zoning Revision" in the description field. 
  • Upload your updated plans in the Documents section. 

Need Help? Watch our video: Create a Zoning or Building Worksheet for Your Permit. 

What’s Next? A Planning/Zoning staff member will contact you by email. 

Building and Planning/Zoning Revisions

If your project has major changes to both the exterior design and the structure (or you have demolished more than 50% of the structure), follow these steps: 

Step One: Fill out the online Plan Check Revision form. After submitting the web form, you will receive a completed PDF copy by email. 

Step Two: Apply for and Submit a Building Worksheet (BW) through our Online Permit Center.* 

Note: You must log in or register before you can submit a Building Worksheet. 

In the box: 

  • Write "Planning/Zoning and Building Plan Check Revision" in the description field. 
  • Upload your completed Plan Check Revision form and all updated plans in the Documents section. 

Need Help? Watch our video: Create a Zoning or Building Worksheet for Your Permit. 

What’s Next? A City of Oakland Process Coordinator will email you with further instructions. 

Solar Plan Revisions (Minor/Major)

Minor Changes

If your solar project has minor changes (e.g., moving panels, changing the number of panels, or making changes to the electrical system), follow these steps: 

  • Do not submit revisions online. 
  • Schedule a field inspection and have the revisions on-site for the inspector to review. 
  • The inspector will update the permit description and upload the revisions to the system. 

After approval, download your updated permit using the Oakland Online Permit Portal. If signatures are required, email the revised permit PDF to the inspector who completed the final inspection. 

Major Changes

If your solar project has major changes, follow the process below based on the type of revision: 

For Structural Changes

Step One: Fill out the online Plan Check Revision form. After submitting the form, you will receive a completed PDF copy by email. 

Step Two

  • If referred by an inspector, wait for your Plan Checker to review your request. 
  • Otherwise, Apply for and submit a Building Worksheet (BW) through our Online Permit Center. 

    Note: You must log in or register before you can submit a Building Worksheet. 

In the box: 

  • Write "Building Plan Check Revision" in the description field. 
  • Upload your completed Plan Check Revision form and updated plans in the Documents section. 

Need Help? Watch our video: Create a Zoning or Building Worksheet for Your Permit. 

For Electrical Changes (e.g., new main service panel/ upgrade, or Batteries (ESS)): 

Apply for Electrical Permits through the appropriate links on our Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) Permits webpage

Questions? Email us at Online Permit Portal Questions. 

For non-solar projects that have changes but no inspections yet, please follow the appropriate process for Building Only, Zoning Only, or combined Building and Zoning revisions. 

Posted: June 9th, 2022 1:06 PM

Last Updated: January 21st, 2025 11:09 AM

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