City of Oakland Issues RFI to Bridge Digital Divide

Seeking partnerships and recommendations to increase high-quality internet access in historically under-connected communities

Student using a computer

The City of Oakland’s Department of Information Technology has issued a Request for Information (RFI) to gather recommendations and ideas from partners that can bring high-speed, affordable Internet service directly into un/underserved residential homes and local businesses, and accelerate the adoption of digital skills in communities and neighborhoods that have historically lacked reliable and accessible broadband access. The City is particularly interested in hearing ideas on how to leverage its physical assets (such as rooftops) in this effort. The intent of the OakWIFI@Home program is to ensure that all Oaklander’s have access to affordable, high-quality internet so they can fully participate in an increasingly digital world. 

“Public-private partnerships are critical to achieving digital equity in cities across the country,” said Oakland CIO Tony Batalla. “Oakland is seeking partners to remove affordability barriers and dramatically increase broadband access for our most vulnerable populations and close the digital divide for good.” 

Responses are encouraged from Internet Service Providers (ISPs), including wireless and wireline providers, that are interested working with the City to deliver high speed, reliable, and affordable broadband service in un/underserved areas of Oakland, and nonprofit and community-based organizations (CBOs) that provide wraparound services such as Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) adoption, skill building, digital literacy training, and education and economic development services built around internet and device access. 

The OakWIFI@Home RFI can be viewed here. RFI responses must be submitted by Friday, November 18, 2022 at 2pm PT, through iSupplier or by email to The City will host an information session on Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 1pm for prospective respondents to learn more about the initiative, interested attendees can RSVP here.   

This RFI builds on the work of #OaklandUndivided, a collective impact initiative to ensure 100% of Oakland public school students have a computer, internet access, and tech support, and the OakWIFI initiative which was launched in 2020 expanding Oakland’s public WIFI network throughout the un/underserved areas of Oakland. 

To learn more about the City’s commitment to digital equity, please visit 


Posted: October 17th, 2022 2:46 PM

Last Updated: October 17th, 2022 2:55 PM

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