Love Life: The City of Oakland Motto

The Official City Motto of Oakland, California #OaklandLoveLife

About the Love Life Motto

In April 2016, the City of Oakland adopted an official city motto in memory of 16-year old Lo'Eshe Lacy. Lo'Eshe in Nigerian Igbo means "love life," a rallying cry to embody Oakland love.


We acknowledge that in service to our beloved city of Oakland, and all people who inhabit this community, adhering to the city of Oakland’s official motto, “Oakland Love Life,” we enter into this space committed to embody love as our guiding principle.

We acknowledge Love Life as our motto as we denounce violence in all forms and the conditions that create it.

We acknowledge that when we demonstrate love, we also exhibit respect and kindness towards each other.

We commit to acts of love as an intentional force to generate tangible solutions, in regards to all of our actions.

We recognize as leaders, we must set an example and precedent for those in community who have entrusted us with these duties.

We welcome and appreciate all contributions to this space, and even when expressing disagreement, we request that we lead with love in your heart.

We seek to find common ground, and tangible solutions that demonstrate love for our city, its residents, and all constituents.

We acknowledge that when we lead with love we are able to uplift a thriving city rooted in equity, equality, justice, inclusion, and opportunity for all.

We commit to the action of “Love Life” as our motto and mantra.


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