Neighborhood Business Assistance

The Neighborhood Business Assistance Program offers free help, resources, consultations and referrals for small business owners and entrepreneurs located in Oakland.

The City of Oakland's Economic & Workforce Development Department offers small business support via our website, email, phone, and 30 minute one-on-one in-person consultations with staff at six neighborhood locations throughout Oakland.

Neighborhood Business Assistance staff can assist small business owners and those interested in starting a business in Oakland by:

  • Sharing information and providing referrals on available loans and grants
  • Connecting with partners that provide start-up and ongoing technical support
  • Offering insight and navigation through the City's business permitting process
  • Assisting with other small business questions and challenges

Ask for help by completing the Business Assistance Request form, and receive support via email, phone and/or an in-person consultation appointment with Neighborhood Business Assistance staff. You can also email or call 510-238-7398 for assistance. We respond to inquiries made via the form, email or calls within two business days. We are here to help your business prosper in Oakland!

Business Resources

One-on-One Appointments Available in Your Neighborhood!

Request Business Assistance Support

Whether you’re starting a new business, expanding an existing business or facing challenges with your current business model, City staff are here to assist. To make it more convenient for entrepreneurs and business owners, we’re available for one-on-one in-person consultation appointments at six neighborhood locations throughout Oakland, in addition to referrals and support provided via email and phone.

Dates for in-person 30-minute appointments with the Neighborhood Business Assistance program staff are available:

  • West Oakland Library - every other Monday, 10am-1pm
  • 81st Avenue Library - every other Tuesday, 5-8pm
  • Dalziel Building in Downtown - every other Wednesday, 9am-Noon
  • César E. Chávez Library - every other Wednesday, 5-8pm
  • Golden Gate Library - every other Thursday, 10am-1pm
  • Eastmont Library - every other Friday, Noon-3pm

Fill out the Business Assistance Request form to schedule an appointment. Appointments must be made 48 hours in advance.

If you need assistance scheduling an appointment, please call (510) 238-7398.

Kindly cancel your appointment if you’re not able to make it to allow another Oakland business owner to access the time slot.


Business Assistance Staff are here to help you. We provide one-on-one help and referrals with:

  • Business license and permits
  • Technical assistance
  • Financing options
  • Other business resources to help business start, grow and prosper!

Contact Us

Phone Numbers

Email Address

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