Major Projects Division

The Major Projects Division (MPD) is a team of planners, engineers, and project managers within the Department of Transportation that works collaboratively to deliver major transportation infrastructure improvements. The Division's first suite of projects will strengthen connections between West Oakland, Chinatown, Downtown, Old Oakland, and the Jack London District, while enhancing goods movement around the Port of Oakland and safety for all road users.

MPD at Public Meetings


The Major Projects Division is currently working on designing and delivering the projects below. Click on the individual project links below to learn more about the status and upcoming engagement opportunities for each project. For a map of these projects and all transportation projects in Oakland's Capital Improvement Program click here.

Map of MPD Projects
Map of MPD Projects

Major Projects Division Community Advisory Committee (CAC)

The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) for was formed in September 2023 to advise on community priorities and inform projects led by OakDOT's Major Projects Division.

Regional Projects

The Major Projects Division is responsible for representing OakDOT on major transportation projects led by regional and state agencies to ensure projects maximize benefits to Oaklanders. The projects below are in Oakland, but will be delivered by other agencies.


The Major Projects Division is currently working to deliver a comprehensive package of infrastructure improvements that will provide safer, more sustainable and more equitable connections between West Oakland, Chinatown, Downtown, Old Oakland, and the Jack London District. This suite of projects accelerates the implementation of longstanding transportation plans and projects with an equity lens.

  • Active Transportation & Transit: New transit-only lanes, sidewalks, bike lanes, and trails connecting the greater downtown and West Oakland to the waterfront to encourage walking, biking and transit.
  • Rail Safety & Goods Movement: Rail corridor and roadway improvements to help move trucks and cargo in and out of the Port of Oakland efficiently, reduce traffic congestion and truck idling, and improve traffic safety for all.
  • Parking & Traffic Management: Comprehensive suite of parking system upgrades and intersection improvements to manage on- and off-street parking and traffic.

Together, these improvements will create a more connected Oakland. Stronger, safer, and more pedestrian-, cyclist-, and transit friendly connections are needed to overcome the barriers that have historically separated Oaklanders. A network of new and improved complete streets will provide equitable, sustainable mobility options, while protecting and enhancing goods movement in and out of the nearby Port of Oakland.

Collectively, the City and Port have identified approximately $375 million for projects that address multi-modal safety and health issues, enhance goods movement, and implement longstanding transportation plans to overcome challenges that have vexed our communities and the Port’s economy for years. This funding has sparked a strengthened partnership between the City and Port that has resulted in a growing understanding of each other's needs and constraints, and ultimately, we’ve been able to develop projects that accommodate our mutually beneficial goals to grow and thrive as good neighbors. This investment will unlock numerous solutions plaguing our communities for far too long, providing an incredible opportunity to address longstanding safety and goods movement issues.

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