Historic Preservation

Oakland boasts a unique wealth of historic buildings and neighborhoods, reflecting a remarkable heritage dating back over 170 years. Below, please find more about Oakland’s policies and actions governing the preservation of this rich history, comprehensive lists of Designated Landmarks, Historic Properties, and Preservation Districts, along with information on our Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board.

What are Designated Historic Properties?

These are legally recognized structures or areas that have historical, cultural, educational, architectural, aesthetic, or environmental value. They are nominated by their owners, the City, or the public and are designated after public hearings and approval by the City Council.

Landmarks and Designations

Like most cities, Oakland has a program for designating Landmarks, Heritage Properties, and Preservation Districts. See below for comprehensive directories listing those properties and districts.

Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board (LPAB)

Learn about the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board, which advises the City on historic preservation and provides recommendations on project proposals that come before it.

Historic Preservation Element of the General Plan

Provides the goals, policies and actions to encourage the preservation of older buildings, districts and other physical features with historic value.

Maintaining and Designating Historic Properties

Maintaining the integrity and characteristics of historic properties involves working with the City of Oakland to ensure any rehabilitation or renovation occurs with preservation in mind. We offer the following guidelines, incentives, and project review services to assist property owners and contractors with this process:

Design Guidelines and Rehabilitation Resources

Applying for Historic Property Designation

Have a property that you think may qualify for historic designation? Review the following application form, notice of intent, guidelines for determining eligibility, and designation procedure. The Planning Bureau's Cultural Heritage Survey may have historical information on selected addresses. For more information, contact bmarvin@oaklandca.gov.

Historic Property Incentives & Benefits (Mills Act)

The Mills Act assists property owners in reaping the benefits of historic rehabilitation and preservation. It can reduce taxes for historic properties if the owners volunteer to repair and maintain the historic character of their property. Learn more about the Mills Act and how to apply for potential benefits.

Required Findings for Demolition of Historic Properties

Before demolishing an Historic Property or removing historic assets, your project application must comply with the local Historic Preservation Element and receive approval from the Planning Bureau. Below are the Findings that may be required depending on the nature and scope of your project.

Findings Required for Demolition of Historic Properties

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