Bicycle Parking

To support bicycling, the City offers a variety of bicycle parking-related services and resources.


Bicycle parking is critical because many people’s decision to bicycle is affected by security concerns for their property. The bicycle is a viable means of transportation when physical accommodations ensure that people’s trips are safe and convenient and that their property is secure. Every bicycle trip includes the route of travel and the facilities at the destination.

Other facilities—bike stations, restrooms, showers, and storage lockers—are great incentives for people with longer commutes who can turn their ride into a daily workout and still dress for the office. These facilities may be required by Oakland's Bicycle Parking Ordinance (2008) as part of new developments and major remodels.

View online map of public bicycle parking in Oakland.

Bicycle Parking FAQs

How are City-installed bicycle rack locations determined?
Racks locations are suggested by business or property owners, residents or shoppers, or included in streetscape projects with locations recommended by staff, consultants, or members of the community. The CityRacks Program installs racks primarily in commercial districts, but also in parks, at libraries, at recreation centers, and through a partnership with the Oakland Unified School District, at some school sites. Due to the variety of constraints along sidewalks—including the presence of loading or bus zones, cracked sidewalks and in-pavement utilities—it is not always possible to locate a rack in front of the requesting or requested business.

What about racks installed in the street?
Oakland installs groups of racks in the street, known as "bike corrals" in response to applications from adjacent businesses or groups that sign a maintenance agreement. More information.

What about the bike share dock racks?
These dock racks are not for personal bicycle parking.

Are there bicycle parking alternatives that are more secure than sidewalk/street racks?
Yes! As of December 2022, BART operates three bike stations in Oakland with space for 560 bicycles. There are also 428 electronic bicycle lockers, 36 of which are operated by the City and the remainder operated by BART, Caltrans, Amtrak, and Kaiser Permanente. Finally, bicycle parking in garages is a more secure option when there is an attendant present. See map of downtown garages with bicycle parking.

How are abandoned bicycles removed from the public right-of-way?
Please contact Public Works to report abandoned bicycles from racks or poles in the public right-of-way.

How are City-installed bicycle racks maintained?
The City of Oakland will reinforce or replace loose or damaged bicycle racks. Report such racks to the Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Program at or (510) 238-3983. Report graffiti to Public Works.

How are bicycle racks installed by private property owners maintained?
Bicycle racks installed by private property owners (on public property) are maintained by the private property owner, based on the terms of the encroachment permit issued by the City.

How are sidewalks with bicycle racks maintained and repaired?
If a City-installed bicycle rack causes damage to the sidewalk, the City is responsible for repairing the sidewalk. (Sidewalk racks should be installed in crack-free cement only to prevent sidewalk damage and maximize the security of parked bicycles.)

If a private party causes damage to a bicycle rack and a police report is made (such as after a car crash), the City will hold the party responsible for the repair. If no responsible party is identified, the City will repair the sidewalk. If a property owner receives a notice from the City requiring sidewalk repair (per the State of California Streets and Highways Code), the property owner is responsible for reinstalling the bicycle rack as part of the overall repair, just like other street furniture and signage. The cost for removing and replacing a City-furnished bicycle rack is small compared with the overall cost of sidewalk repair.

The State of California Streets and Highways Code, 1911 Act (Division 7, Part 3, Chapter 22, Articles 1-3, Sections 5600-5630), stipulates that the owner of the fronting property is responsible for maintaining the sidewalk in good and non-hazardous condition. There is an exception for when sidewalk damage is caused by City action (like root damage from a City-planted tree). In these cases, the City is responsible for repairing sidewalk damage.

Other questions?
Contact the Bicycle & Pedestrian Program at (510) 238-6313 or

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