Request Accessibility Services for an Event

The City of Oakland is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all its programs, services and activities, - including auxiliary aids and services when necessary to ensure effective communication for individuals with disabilities. Only City Staff may request auxiliary aids and services, including sign language interpreters, real-time captioning and materials in alternative formats such as large print or Braille.

ADA Programs Division
ADA Programs and Services Contact Information

To request accommodations for a City Council meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk: (510) 238-6404

To request accommodations for all other public meetings, please contact the meeting coordinator directly. You’ll find contact information included on all agendas and public notices. If you are unable to find contact information for the event coordinator, contact ADA Programs at

City Staff may access forms to request auxiliary aids and services, including sign language interpreters, CART (real-time captioning) and materials in alternative formats such as large print or Braille, on the ADA SharePoint site: Home (

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