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Self-Haul Bulky Drop-Off Appointment Service Now Available to Oaklanders During COVID-19 Suspension of Bulky Pick-up Service

The City of Oakland and Waste Management of Alameda County Inc., announced today a temporary service available to Oakland residents to dispose of large unwanted items at no charge, if they can self-haul those items to Waste Management’s Davis Street transfer station in San Leandro.

Oakland Recycles Logo

The City of Oakland and Waste Management of Alameda County Inc., announced today a temporary service available to Oakland residents to dispose of large unwanted items at no charge, if they can self-haul those items to Waste Management’s Davis Street transfer station in San Leandro.

Waste Management recently announced to customers that "Curbside Bulky Pickup Service” has been suspended until July 1 due to COVID-19. Effective immediately, residents can use the new “Davis Street Self-Haul Bulky Drop-Off Appointment Service” for appointments on or after May 4th.

Residents can contact Waste Management now at 510-613-8710 to schedule an appointment to drop off bulky items at the Transfer Station at 2615 Davis Street in San Leandro. The service is available until June 30th and will not count against residents’ annual Curbside Bulky Pickup. Generally, the same rules that apply for Curbside Bulky Pickup service apply for the Self-Haul service. Waste Management customer service representatives will provide the requirements and restrictions for the Davis Street Self Haul Bulky Drop-Off when residents call to schedule their appointment.

Residents will be allowed one bulky drop off under this program. Some program details are still being finalized, but residents can call now to schedule drop-offs on or after May 4th. Additional details will be posted at OaklandRecycles.com next week.

Trash, recycling and compost collection and processing are vital services to our community. The employees at California Waste Solutions (CWS) and Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc. (WM) continue to provide regularly scheduled collection of trash, recyclables and compostable materials for all Oakland residents and businesses. CWS is recycling material for residents and businesses and WM continues to collect trash and compost residential organics.

Bulky Pickup Service has been provided in Oakland for many years, and in 2015 was expanded to become available to all residents of Oakland apartment buildings. It is a key service highlighted in the Oaktown PROUD campaign to reduce illegal dumping, as it provides relief to residents facing rising cost-of-living challenges throughout Oakland.

Contact the City’s Recycling Hotline at 510-238-7283 or recycling@oaklandca.gov if there are any problems with your trash, compost, recycling services.


Posted: May 1st, 2020 12:07 PM

Last Updated: May 1st, 2020 4:16 PM

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