New Truck Parking Regulations Implemented

OakDOT's Parking Enforcement Unit Implements 2022 Parking Regulation Updates

Parking officer writing ticket for a parked truck trailer

Oakland City Council adopted new parking regulations in April of 2022 to limit truck parking in West Oakland. This map shows the only locations where truck parking is legal in West Oakland, based on these new regulations.

New signage in support of West Oakland’s new truck parking regulations was installed in 2022. OakDOT’s Parking Enforcement Unit (PE) completed work in support of these regulations including training of technicians, programming citation enforcement systems, and conducting a community meeting in August of 2022. PE responds to requests from the community to enforce violations on almost a daily basis. After receiving citations, several West Oakland businesses with trucking operations worked with OakDOT to find ways to comply with the new regulations. As of June 2023, PE has an effective employee vacancy rate of nearly 60%, which has significantly impacted its ability to do regular patrols. While hiring and onboarding a new class of technicians is a top priority for the City, the employee vacancy rate is expected to remain high until late summer or early fall 2023.

Please visit the West Oakland Truck Management Plan page for more information about our efforts to reduce the effects of transport trucks in West Oakland.

Tagged with: Truck Management Plan


Posted: June 2nd, 2023 4:50 PM

Last Updated: June 5th, 2023 11:50 AM

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