Oakland Department of Transportation (OakDOT) Internships

2025 UPDATE: Unfortunately, due to the City budget crisis, OakDOT is unable to offer internships at this time.

College and Graduate Student Internship Program

The Oakland Department of Transportation (OakDOT) student intern team is expanding! Successful candidates will have the opportunity to gain experience working in a fast-paced, progressive transportation department and develop the skills needed for a career in multimodal, mobility-focused transportation planning or public administration.

Interns may join one of the following work programs:

See Team Descriptions and desired qualifications.

How to Apply:

Application packages must be submitted online.
Applications must include three PDF attachments, titled with applicant's name (e.g. JaneDoe_OakDOTapp.pdf):

a. A cover letter. We suggest addressing the following topics: What motivated you to apply for an intern position with OakDOT? In what areas are you hoping to grow through an internship with OakDOT? How will you leverage this internship to advance your career?
b. Resume
c. Unofficial transcript (official transcript will need be provided later)


  • Must be currently enrolled full time in a degree seeking program in Community College, Undergraduate Program, or Graduate Program for the duration of the internship. Spring graduates who are not planning on being enrolled in fall 2024 are not eligible.
  • Applicants will apply for one of three internship classifications: Student Trainee, Engineer Intern, or Management Intern. An Engineering Intern must be currently enrolled in an engineering undergraduate program. A Management Intern must be currently enrolled in a Graduate Degree program.
  • Student Trainees must have at least a 2.5 GPA
  • No prior job experience is required. Any combination of experience and education that would likely provide the desired skills is qualifying


Interns may work a maximum of 960 hours per fiscal year (July 1 to June 30).

- Student Trainee (undergraduate) $30.50
- Engineering Intern (undergraduate) $27.97 - $29.40
- Management Intern (graduate students) $37.36

Tentative Schedule for 2024:

  • January 9th- Applications open
  • February 11th- Applications due by end of day
  • Early March- Notification of interviews
  • Mid-March to Mid-April- Interviews
  • Early May- Notification of hiring
  • Mid-June- Earliest start date

Applicants from diverse disciplines are encouraged to apply. Disciplines may include, but are not limited to, Communications, City and Regional Planning, Computer Science, Geography, Journalism, Public Administration, Public Policy, Ethnic Studies, Public Health, Public Relations, Transportation, Engineering, Environmental Design or other interdisciplinary programs providing the requisite abilities.

We strongly encourage BIPOC, people with disabilities, women, and people with other underrepresented identities to apply.

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