City Council adopted in July 2024 as part of the Downtown Oakland Specific Plan (DOSP) that modified OMC 5.12 by changing the name of cabaret permits to "entertainment venues" and introduced a new permit type of "Central District Entertainment Venue."

An Entertainment Venue is defined as any place where the general public is admitted, for a fee, entertainment is provided, and alcohol is served. A place that does not charge for admission but where the general public is admitted, alcohol is served, dancing is permitted, and the venue operates past 11:00 p.m. shall also be construed as an Entertainment Venue. (formerly cabaret).


The NEW CENTRAL DISTRICT ENTERTAINMENT VENUE PERMITS - are not yet available.  We anticipate this to be completed by March 1, 2025. 

A Central District Entertainment Venue is defined as any venue with on-sale and/or off-sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with an approved arts, entertainment, or cultural use in the zones listed in Section 17.101K.050, Table 17.101K.01 under Alcoholic Beverage Sales with limitation L29 that do not require a Conditional Use Permit (CUP), shall be defined as a Central District Entertainment Venue. Arts, entertainment, and cultural uses include, but are not limited to: bars, former cabarets, night clubs, pool halls, bowling alleys, mini-golf, mechanical or electronic games, museums, art galleries, barbershop or salon, nail salon, performing arts centers, auditoriums, theaters, and other similar venues.

FEES: (Per Master Fee Schedule)

Application Fee: $500.00 due at the time the application is submitted.

Permit Fee:

$517.00- (Small Entertainment/Central District Entertainment Venue with occupancy under 49)

$1,295.00 - (Large Entertainment/Central District Entertainment Venue with occupancy over 49)

Extended Hours Application: $1,754.00

Extended Hours Permit fee: $4,034.00

For applications click here click here.

Live Scan forms for all partner/owners and managers can be found here.

Fire Inspection Intake Request form and be found here.

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