Human Services Request for Qualifications (RFQ)

Proposal Submittal Deadline (EXTENDED): April 7, 2023 by 2:00 P.M. (PST) via iSupplier.

The Human Services Department and the Department of Violence Prevention announce the release of its 2022-2025 RFQ to identify qualified agencies, firms, project teams or individuals for the solicitation of Statements of Qualifications.

Service Categories include:

  1. Strategic Planning and Community Engagement
  2. Design, Marketing and Communication Services
  3. Independent Evaluation of Program Services
  4. Application and Review System, Data Reporting, Management Information Services
  5. Training, Technical Assistance, and Capacity Building
  6. Workforce-Focused Capacity Building and Employer Engagement
  7. Independent Auditing (Financial & Programmatic)

Contract Amount: Varies

Contract Terms: Up to Three Years (with option to renew)

How to Apply: Application and Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) must be submitted electronically through iSupplier. This is the City's centralized vendor database. All businesses that want to contract with the City must register with iSupplier, to receive bid notifications, to apply for local business certification, and view purchase orders and payment status. Businesses are required to keep their contact email and address site current, to minimize delays and errors.

Once registered with iSupplier, navigate to View current RFQ Opportunities and click the appropriate link for this RFQ.

Note: Email submissions and hard copies WILL NOT be accepted

Proposal Submittal Deadline (EXTENDED): April 7, 2023, by 2:00 P.M. (PST) via iSupplier. Proposals not received by the 2:00PM deadline will be considered late and will not be accepted.



Frequently Asked Questions are available here.

Please note that all RFP-related questions must be submitted in writing via email to with RFP as the subject.


iSupplier WILL NOT allow submission of proposals AFTER April 7, 2023, by 2:00 P.M

All who wish to participate in this RFQ must register with iSupplier to receive addenda/ updates on this RFQ, submit proposals, invoice payments if selected, and direct notification of future bid opportunities.

The following policies apply to this RFQ: Equal Benefits ♦ Revised L/SLBE ♦ Living Wage ♦ Campaign Reform Act ♦ Prompt Payment ♦ Arizona Boycott ♦ Dispute Disclosure ♦Border Wall Prohibition ♦ Sanctuary City Contracting and Investment Ordinance


Email RFQ Support at

Email iSupplier Registration Support at or call 510.238.7643 and specify you need help to expedite registration for the HSD/DVP RFQ

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