Find Affordable Housing

The City of Oakland does NOT provide real estate or rental locator services. We suggest the following methods to find affordable housing in Oakland:

Directory of Assisted Rental Housing
Go to List
Find Affordable Housing Developers
Visit the Website
Oakland Housing Authority

The City of Oakland is pleased to share two resources for finding affordable housing opportunities across Alameda County and beyond - The Bay Area Housing Finance Agency has has launched the new Doorway Housing Portal for affordable housing listings at, and Alameda County has created a portal focused on Alameda County that can be accessed at These portals do not currently include all affordable housing listings, so it would still be a good idea to conduct additional research to find listings not provided on these portals.

Rental assistance and referrals to affordable housing - Contact Eden I&R (dial 2-1-1) for their affordable housing resources, including referral to affordable and subsidized housing and referrals for short-term rental assistance payments.

Public housing and Section 8 housing vouchers are managed by the Oakland Housing Authority.

Rental projects already constructed - see our directory of assisted housing to find all affordable housing projects in Oakland. Contact the managers of these units to determine if units are available and if you are eligible. Many projects have waiting lists.

Contact commercial and non-profit rental and real estate agencies.

Contact Affordable Housing Developers:

Homes/ownership units already constructed -
contact the non-profit developers to inquire about the status of homes they may have built and sold.

Projects underway - Contact the housing development department for projects underway to determine when ownership and rental units will be completed and when applications will be accepted.

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