Fiscal Year 2019-2021 Budget

Together with the County, State, and Federal governments, the City of Oakland is one of many government agencies that work to pave your roads, clean your parks, and offer services to Oaklanders who need them the most. A City budget is the plan for how we will use our resources to provide services to the public.


Read the Adopted 2019-2021 Budget Book

Generally, from January to June, every other year, City staff, the Mayor and City Council work together to create a balanced budget by June 30, as required by law. A balanced budget is a plan to ensure that the City’s revenues equal our expenses. The creation of a balanced budget plan generally happens in three phases:

  1. Budget Development | February - May
    1. March 19 | The City’s Budget Office presented a five-year forecast to the City’s Finance Committee.
    2. Throughout April | The Mayor engages the public through town hall meetings and social media to answer budget questions and garner community insights (see calendar).
  2. Budget Deliberation | May - June
    1. May | The Mayor publishes the Proposed Two-Year Budget for public review and consideration by the City Council. The FY 2019-21 Proposed Budget can be accessed at the following link: FY 2019-21 Proposed Budget; the related can be accessed at the following link: FY 2019-21 Proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
    2. May 7 | The Mayor and City Administrator will formally present the Proposed FY 2019-21 Budget to the City Council. The agenda for this special City Council meeting can be accessed a the following link: May 7, 2019 Special City Council Budget Meeting
    3. Throughout May | The City Council engages the public through town hall meetings, budget hearings, and social media to collect community insights and impacts. The presentation for these meetings is available at the following link: May 2019 Community Budget Forum Presentation
    4. In the month of June the Council President and other members of the City Council submit amendments to the proposed budget. The Council President's Amendments are noted here: Council President's Amendments, and Councilmembers Kalb & McElhaney's Amendments to the latest "Oakland Together" version of the council president's budget.
    5. During the budget process the Administration responds to questions, and on occasion, budget proposals submitted by the CIty Council. Those responses are compiled here: FY 2019-21 Budget Responses from the Administration.
  3. Budget Approval | by June 30
    1. June 25 | The City Council unanimously adopted a budget as required by the City Charter in the early morning hours of Tuesday, June 25. Compiled amendments and associated legislation are posted here: FY 2019-21 Adopted Budget Resolution & Exhibits.
    2. The FY 2019-21 Adopted Budget Book and the FY 2019-21 Adopted Capital Improvement Program Book are now available online.

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