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ECAP Ad Hoc Community Advisory Committee

The ECAP Ad Hoc Advisory Committee was dissolved after the 2030 Equitable Climate Action Plan (ECAP) was adopted in July 2020.



For updates on ECAP implementation, visit the City’s Sustainability Page, where you’ll find all ECAP topics and resources.

The Equitable Climate Action Plan (ECAP) Ad Hoc Community Advisory Committee was created by the City Council to assist City staff in creating the 2030 ECAP, a coordinated, collaborative, and feasible strategy to achieving the City’s adopted greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction target of 56% by 2030. The Committee consists of 13 members and 2 alternates appointed by Mayor Libby Schaff, set to serve until one day after the City Council’s adoption of the ECAP.

Recordings and materials for each meeting can be found here:

  1. First meeting, 4/30/19: Audio and agenda; minutes
  2. Second meeting, 6/3/19: Audio and agenda; minutes
  3. Third meeting, 6/25/19: Audio and agenda; minutes
  4. Fourth meeting, 7/23/19: Audio and agenda; minutes
  5. Fifth meeting, 8/27/19: Audio and agenda; minutes
  6. Sixth meeting, 9/25/19: Audio and agenda; minutes
  7. Seventh meeting, 10/22/19: Audio and agenda; minutes
  8. Eighth meeting, 11/12/19: Audio and agenda; minutes
  9. Ninth meeting, 12/12/19: Audio and agenda; minutes
  10. Tenth meeting, 01/28/20: Audio and agenda; minutes
  11. Eleventh meeting, 02/25/20: Audio and agenda; minutes
  12. Twelfth meeting, 06/23/20: Audio and agenda; minutes
  13. Special meeting, 7/14/20: Audio and agenda; minutes


2030 ECAP Ad Hoc Community Advisory Committee Orientation Packet ECAP Overview Presentation - First ECAP ad hoc Meeting - 2019.4.30 First Meeting Agenda - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Committee - 2019.4.30 First Meeting Minutes - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Committee - 2019.4.30 Second Meeting Agenda - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Committee - 2019.6.03 Second Meeting Minutes - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Committee - 2019.6.03 Third Meeting Agenda - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Committee - 2019.6.25 Third Meeting Minutes - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Committee - 2019.6.25 Third Meeting Presentation - Deep Dive Buildings Energy Presentation-Final Fourth Meeting Agenda - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Committee - 2019.7.23 Fourth Meeting Minutes - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Committee - 2019.7.23 Fourth Meeting Presentation - Deep Dive Transportation Presentation Fifth Meeting Agenda - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Committee - 2019.8.27 Fifth Meeting Minutes - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Committee - 2019.8.27 Sixth Meeting Agenda - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Committee - 2019.9.24 Sixth Meeting Minutes - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Committee - 9.24.2019 Seventh Meeting Agenda - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Committee - 10.22.19 Seventh Meeting Minutes - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Committee - 10.22.19 Draft 2030 ECAP - Fall 2019 Eighth Meeting Agenda - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Committee - 11.12.19 Eighth Meeting Minutes - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Committee - 11.12.19 Final Committee Electrification Resolution 2019.11.8 Ninth Meeting Agenda - ECAP Ad Hoc Advisory Committee - 12.12.19 Ninth Meeting Minutes - ECAP Ad Hoc Advisory Committee - 12.12.19 Tenth Meeting Agenda - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Committee - 01.28.20 Tenth Meeting Minutes - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Committee - 01.28.20 2030 ECAP Draft Final Actions List - Redlined - 02.10.2020 Eleventh Meeting Agenda - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Committee - 02.25.20 2030 ECAP Final Draft (v. 2020.6.8) Twelfth Meeting Agenda - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Committee - 6.23.20 Twelfth Meeting Minutes - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Commitee - 6.23.2020 Oakland 2030 Equitable Climate Action Plan (Final Draft, July 2020) Racial Equity Impact Assessment and Implementation Guide Special Meeting Agenda - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Committee - 7.14.2020 Special Meeting Minutes - ECAP ad hoc Advisory Committee - 7.14.2020 Findings Report - ECAP Community Workshops - Equity Facilitator Findings Report - ECAP Survey - City of Oakland Residential Cooktop Performance and Energy Comparison Study Building Electrification Information Memorandum Scope of Services for ECAP Consultants