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OPD is Investigating Two Homicides After A Violent Weekend in Oakland

The Oakland Police Department (OPD) investigated seven shootings including, two that were fatal. Officers also investigated more than a dozen robberies citywide.

OPD Badge

The Oakland Police Department (OPD) is investigating seven shootings including, two that were fatal. Officers also investigated more than a dozen robberies citywide.

Investigators are seeing an alarming trend in robberies. In several cases, suspects were targeting victims who are carrying backpacks, purses, computer bags, and electronic devices. In some cases, the victims identified multiple suspects between their late teens and early 20’s. The victims were targeted as they walk to and from their homes or while sitting in their vehicles.


  • Do not resist / Property can be replaced.
  • If possible, limit the personal items you carry to an ID and Debit or Credit Card
  • Don’t carry all your credit cards and cash in your purse, wallet, or backpack.
  • Beware of your surroundings.
  • Don’t be distracted by your electronic devices.
  • Be especially alert when entering and exiting your vehicle.
  • Remember to lock your car door after entering your vehicle.

Click the link for more safety tips: https://t.co/WElglCdEKH?amp=1

Tagged with: Police


Posted: August 9th, 2021 4:38 PM

Last Updated: August 9th, 2021 7:03 PM

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