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Oakland Police Department Vehicles Damaged in Fire

A fire at a local encampment causes thousands of dollars in damages to city property.

Charred OPD vehicles destroyed in a fire

For Immediate Release

Oakland Police Department Vehicles Damaged in Fire

A fire at a local encampment causes thousands of dollars in damages to city property. Shortly before 3:45 AM, on October 11, 2022, Oakland Police Department (OPD) officers and the Oakland Fire Department (OFD) responded to the 500 block of Broadway on reports of a fire. OFD firefighters quickly contained the flames, which destroyed three OPD vans near the transportation lot.

The investigation revealed the fire started at an encampment near OPD's Transportation Lot. An individual who lives within the encampment told officers that flames from their lit BBQ grew out of control, setting fire to their belongings, and ultimately spreading into the eastern portion of the lot. The fire also caused damage to the fencing structure.

Fortunately, there were no reports of injuries. The damage to the vehicles is more than $100,000 in replacement costs.

Tagged with: Police


Posted: October 14th, 2022 9:31 AM

Last Updated: October 14th, 2022 9:58 AM

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