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Oakland Police Department (OPD) Chief Anne E. Kirkpatrick's Letter regarding Oakland's and OPD's immigration policies

Letter from the Chief to the public affirming non-enforcement of federal immigration policies and focus on public safety and trust. Also OPD's official immigration-related policy

As the Police Chief of the Oakland Police Department, I want to assure our community that our mission is to serve and protect every resident in Oakland, and prevent anyone from being a victim of crime in our city. The Oakland Police Department does not enforce federal immigration laws, nor do we collect information regarding a person's immigration status. Our primary goal is to keep our city safe and to protect and serve all Oaklanders, regardless of their immigration status...(see press release for full letter).

Tagged with: Police, Newsroom


Posted: May 9th, 2017 12:00 AM

Last Updated: October 23rd, 2018 4:54 PM

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