No Tsunami Warning, Advisory, Watch, or Threat.

Budget Advisory Commission

The Budget Advisory Commission (BAC) advises the City Council on expenditures, revenues, and financial policies. The BAC’s advice generally takes the form of informational reports submitted to the Finance & Management Committee of the City Council. The BAC generally meets on the second Wednesday of the month.


Historical Information Available at: http://oaklandnet/home/Governm...

More Information:

  • There are 15 Members on the Commission.
  • Members are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council upon the recommendation of a responsible City Officer.
  • Prospective members should contact the Mayor’s Office.
  • Members serve three-year terms. These are organized so that five members' terms end on or around October 1st of each year.
  • Members may be removed from the Commission by the Mayor for cause (e.g., conviction of a felony, misconduct, incompetence, inattention or more than three unexcused absences).

Contact Us



Other rooms may be used depending on space availability.

Email Address

Business Hours

Regular meetings dates for the BAC are on the Second (2nd) Wednesday of the Month in City Hall at 6:00 pm.

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