Responding to Climate Change


Over her past three years in office, Mayor Schaaf has seen Oakland take a global leadership role in combating climate change.

· She participated in COP21 in Paris to fight for the inclusion of cities as key drivers of the technologies and programs that will limit temperature rise.

· She signed the Pacific North America Climate Leadership Agreement with Mayors and governors along the west coast to pursue joint programs in efficient buildings, transportation, and waste reduction.

· She led the United States delegation of Mayors at the U.N. Habitat III Conference in Quito, Ecuador, to fight for sustainable housing solutions.

Also, by committing Oakland into the Compact of Mayors and the Under 2 Memorandum of Understanding, she affirmed this City’s commitment to leading the charge in policies and initiatives that will make my Oakland and the planet a cleaner and greener place to live.

Oakland has a dynamic and active population; one that demands action on climate change. Mayor Schaaf along with talented City staff and dedicated community partners are delivering on that demand.

In 2018, Fast Company ranked Oakland #3 greenest city.

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