Oak Knoll Mixed Use Community

The Project site is located in the South Hills area of Oakland and is bounded by Mountain Boulevard/Interstate 580 to the west, Keller Avenue to the north and east and Sequoyah Road to the south.


Please see the Upcoming Meetings section below as well as the Project Description for updated information.

The Project site is located in the South Hills area of Oakland and is bounded by Mountain Boulevard/Interstate 580 to the west, Keller Avenue to the north and east and Sequoyah Road to the south.

In 1996, the Naval Medical Center Oakland property was subject to a Final Reuse Plan that presented five land use alternatives for the reuse of the property. The Maximum Capacity Alternative within the Final Reuse Plan included a) 584 residential units, b) 400, 000 sq. ft. of commercial space, and c) 32 acres of open space. The Maximum Capacity Alternative was approved by the Oakland City Council as the preferred alternative.

In 2005, SunCal Oak Knoll, LLC proposed the “former Oak Knoll Project” which included 960 residential units, 82,000 sq. ft. of commercial space and 53 acres of open space. The “former Oak Knoll Project” was not approved. The current proposal is modified version of the 2005 “former Oak Knoll Project.” Major changes from that proposal include the following:

  • Minor reduction in residential units
  • Relocation of Club Knoll and inclusion of commercial space with the building
  • Additional open space acreage
  • No development on Admiral's Hill (also known as the knoll)

Project Description (Revised)

The Project site consists of 165 acres of the 183-acre former Oak Knoll Naval Medical Center property, approximately 15 acres of an adjacent property (known as the Hardenstine parcel), and approximately 8 acres of City-owned property for a total of 188 acres.

The Project proposes a mixed-use residential community of approximately a) 918 residential units of varying types; b) 72,000 sq. ft. of neighborhood serving commercial in the Village Center; c) relocation of the historic Club Knoll to the center of the Project site with 4,000 sq. ft. of community space and 10,000 sq. ft. of commercial space; d) approximately 67.6 acres of open space and recreation areas, including a system of trails, bikeways and walkways; e) restoration and enhancement of the Rifle Range Creek, Powerhouse Creek and Hospital Creek corridors (16.7 acres); and a street network designed as a "complete streets" for the safe and comfortable travel of all transportation modes.

The Sea West Federal Credit Union and Seneca Center are located on two parcels in the middle of the Project site and are not considered part of the Project. In addition, the Project Applicant is no longer considering Planning entitlements for the 5.4 acre City of Oakland parcel (known as the Barcelona Parcel) located near Barcelona Street and St. Andrews Road. However, while the Barcelona parcel has been removed from the Applicant's proposal, the City of Oakland is still pursuing a General Plan Amendment and Rezoning only for the parcel. See revised information below.

Request to remove Barcelona parcel from the Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (ENA) with the City
Letter regarding exclusive of remnant parcel from the ENA
Previous Resolution regarding an ENA with the City

The Project applicant is requesting several land use entitlements from the City of Oakland, including but not limited to a: General Plan Amendment; Rezoning; Planned Unit Development Permit (PUD) for the entire site; a Final Development Permit (FDP) for the Master Developer Improvements (grading, streets, utilities, entry monuments, bridges, landscaped areas, streetscapes, and parks) and the rehabilitation/ relocation of Club Knoll; Tree Removal Permit; Creek Protection Permit; Conditional Use Permit for Shared Access Facilities; and Vesting Tentative and Final Maps. A Development Agreement between the Applicant and the City is no longer being considered.

Proposed Master Plan Illustration (March 5, 2015)
Master Plan Illustration (August 2016)
Revised Master Plan Illustration (September 2017) Revised

Planned Unit Development Permits
Planned Unit Development Permit Plans (May 2016)
Planned Unit Development Permit Plans (March 2017)
Planned Unit Development Permit Plans (September 2017)

Final Planned Unit Development Permits
Final Development Permit Plans for Master Developer Site Improvements (May 19, 2016)
Final Development Permit Plans for Master Developer Site Improvements (March 2017)
Final Development Permit Plans for Master Developer Site Improvements (July 2017) Revised

Final Development Permit Plan for Club Knoll Relocation (December 2016)
Final Development Permit Plan for Club Knoll Relocation (April 3, 2017) Revised
Illustrative Rendering of the Relocated Club Knoll

Design Guidelines
Design Guidelines (May 2016)
Design Guidelines (January 2017)
Design Guidelines (July 2017) Revised

Draft Zoning Districts (October 2016)
Draft Zoning Districts (March 2017) Revised

Creek Permit
Hydrology and Creek Protection Plan (August 2016)

Tree Permit
Tree Location Map Book (October 2016)
Impacted Tree Analysis (October 2016)
Tree Mitigation Memo (March 24, 2017) Updated
Tree Permit Recommendation from the Tree Services Division (October 19, 2017

Vesting Tentative Tract Map
VTM Part 1 (September 2016)
VTM Part 2 (September 2016)
VTM (January 2017)
VTM (September 2017) Revised
VTM Revisions Memo (September 2017) Revised

General Plan Amendment (Changes to Land Use Diagram)
1998 General Plan Land Use Diagram
Proposed General Plan Land Use Diagram

Development Agreement
Letter from Applicant withdrawing the Development Agreement application

More information on the Oak Knoll Project can be found on the Project Sponsor's website.

Project Sponsor

Oak Knoll Venture Acquisitions, LLC
Contact Person: Sam Veltri c/o SunCal
Address: 2392 Morse Avenue, Irvine, CA 92614
E-mail: sveltri@suncal.com
Phone: (949) 241-8436

City Contact

Scott Gregory
Contract Planner
(510) 535-6671


Heather Klein
Planner IV
City of Oakland
250 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Suite 2214
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 238-3659

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Review


In 1998, the Oakland City Council certified the Environmental Impact Statement /Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) for the Disposal and Reuse of the Naval Medical Center Oakland and Final Reuse Plan including the Maximum Capacity Alternative. A 2006 Initial Study and 2007 Draft SEIR was prepared and circulated for the “former Oak Knoll Project.” No Final SEIR was certified. Because Oak Knoll Mixed Use Community Plan Project may result in new or substantially more severe impacts than the “former Oak Knoll Project” analyzed in 2007, the City is preparing a revised SEIR.

Current Project Review

This is advanced notice that the City is completing preparation of a Response to Comments/Final Supplemental EIR for the proposed project which will be available for public review starting Thursday April 27, 2017 at 12:00 pm.

Public Meetings
Applicant Sponsored Community MeetingApril 8, 2015
St. Paschal Church
3700 Dorisa Ave, Oakland
Community Meeting Flyer
Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board (Public Scoping Session on Draft SEIR)April 13, 2015
6:00 pm City Hall, Sgt. Mark Dunakin Hearing Room 1
1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza
Staff Report
Planning Commission (Public Scoping Session on Draft SEIR)April 15, 2015 6:00 pm City Council Chambers 1 Frank H. Ogawa PlazaAgenda
Staff Report
Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board (for design related issues)May 9, 2016 6:00 pm City Hall, Sgt. Mark Dunakin Hearing Room 1 1 Frank H. Ogawa PlazaAgenda
Staff Report
Applicant PowerPoint
Design Review Committee (for design related issues)July 27, 2016 6:00 pm City Hall, Sgt. Mark Dunakin Hearing Room 1 1 Frank H. Ogawa PlazaAgenda
Staff Report
Attachment A
Attachment B
Attachment C
Attachment D
Planning Commission (Director's Report of the status of the Project)September 7, 2016 6:00 pm City Hall, Sgt. Mark Dunakin Hearing Room 1 1 Frank H. Ogawa PlazaAgenda
Director's Report
Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board (Public Hearing on the Draft SEIR)September 12, 2016 6:00 pm City Hall, Sgt. Mark Dunakin Hearing Room 1 1 Frank H. Ogawa PlazaAgenda
Staff Report
Bicyclist and Pedestrian Advisory Commission (Public Hearing on the Draft SEIR)September 15, 2016 6:00 pm Hearing Room 3 1 Frank H. Ogawa PlazaAgenda with Staff Report
Planning Commission (Public Hearing on the Draft SEIROctober 5, 2016 6:00 pm City Hall, Sgt. Mark Dunakin Hearing Room 1 1 Frank H. Ogawa PlazaAgenda
Staff Report
Design Review CommitteeOctober 26, 2016 4:00 pm City Council Chambers 1 Frank H. Ogawa PlazaAgenda
Staff Report
Zoning Update CommitteeNovember 16, 2016 4:00 pm City Hall, Sgt. Mark Dunakin Hearing Room 1 1 Frank H. Ogawa PlazaAgenda
Staff Report
Design Review CommitteeDecember 14, 2016 (Rescheduled from November 30, 2016) 4:00 pm City Council Chambers 1 Frank H. Ogawa PlazaAgenda
Staff Report
Landmarks Preservation Advisory BoardMay 8, 2017 6:00 pm City Hall, City Council Chambers 1 Frank H. Ogawa PlazaAgenda
Staff Report
Planning Commission (Recommendation to City Council on the Project)June 21 2017 (NOTE: This has been changed from June 7, 2017 to the above date. 6:00 pm City Hall, City Council Chambers 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

Revised Planning Commission Notice

Agenda Staff Report
Attachment A: Oak Knoll Site Plan
Attachment B: PUD Prelim. Dev. Plan
Attachment C: PUD Design Guidelines
Attachment D: Existing General Plan Diagram
Attachment E: Proposed General Plan Diagram
Attachment F (a): Existing Zoning Map
Attachment F (b): Existing Zoning text
Attachment G: (a) Proposed Zoning Map
Attachment G (b): Proposed Zoning Text
Attachment H: Vesting Tentative Tract Map
Attachment I: FDP Master Developer Improvements
Attachment J: FDP for Club Knoll
Attachment K: Creek Plan
Attachment L (a): Development Agreement Outline
Attachment L (b): DA Application
Attachment M: Tree Removal and Mitigation Plan
Attachment N: General Plan Conformity and Land Use Diagram Amendment Attachment O: Planning Findings
Attachment P: SCA's and MMRP
Attachment Q (a): CEQA Findings
Attachment Q (b): Oak Knoll Economic Benefit Report
Attachment R: Oak Knoll Conditions of Approval
Attachment S: Public Comments
Attachment T: Fire Memo

Planning Commission (Recommendation to City Council on the Project)October 18, 2017 6:00 pm City Hall, City Council Chambers 1 Frank H. Ogawa PlazaAgenda
Staff Report
For Attachments- Please click here for the Planning Commission Website - Item #1 on the October 18th Agenda
Community and Economic Development Committee (CED)October 31, 2017 City Hall, City Council Chambers 1 Frank H. Ogawa PlazaAgenda
Staff Report
Please click here for the City Council Website and the October 31st Agenda - Item 1
City CouncilNovember 7, 2017 6:00 pm City Hall, City Council Chambers 1 Frank H. Ogawa PlazaAgenda
Staff Report
*See Supplemental Report (11-03-2017) which contains the recommends from the Planning Commission and the CED Committee
Please click here for the City Council Website and the November 7th Agenda - Item S9.2
City CouncilNovember 28, 2017 5:30 pm City Hall, City Council Chambers 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

Pending 2nd Reading of Ordinance

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