Negotiated Settlement Agreement (NSA) Ad Hoc

The NSA Ad Hoc is tasked with: (1) Representing the Commission in all deliberations and discussions with other stakeholders pertaining to the Sustainability Period and efforts to resolve Court oversight; (2) Reviewing the status of OPD compliance with NSA Tasks 5 (investigations) and 45 (racial disparity in discipline) and make recommendations as to any policies that may be required to achieve compliance in these areas,; and (3) Recommend policies and actions required to ensure that the constitutional policing mandated by the NSA continues beyond the Sustainability Period.


2024 Police Commission Members & Staff

Peterson (Chair), Jackson-Castain, Jackson

Staff: OIG rep(s)

To join an ad hoc committee as a featured community participant, email the designated Police Commission ad hoc committee chair.

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Ad Hoc Committee Members