Interim Emergency Ordinance to Temporarily Eliminate Exemptions from the Rent Adjustment Ordinance


On February 8, 2019, the Oakland City Council passed an Interim Emergency Ordinance to Temporarily Eliminate Exemptions from the Rent Adjustment Ordinance for owner occupied properties with two or three units. This Ordinance would provide that the rent as of November 6, 2018, shall remain the base rent and that no owners may serve or give notice of a rent increase more than the CPI (consumer price index) Rent Adjustment. Also, owners may not serve an eviction notice in any owner-occupied duplex or triplex except for such causes defined in the City’s Just Cause for Eviction Ordinance. This emergency ordinance shall remain in effect for 180 days from the date of adoption or until an ordinance permanently eliminating the exemption becomes effective, whichever is earlier.

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