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City of Oakland Integrated Pest Management Policies and Resources

Oakland City Council Resolutions Regarding City of Oakland Pesticide Practices and Prohibitions

These documents describe policies of the City of Oakland for how it manages pests and pesticides on City of Oakland properties.

Oakland Ordinance Prohibiting City Purchase and Use of Neonicotinoid Pesticides

In 2019 the City of Oakland enacted policy that “strives to use only pollinator-friendly methods of pest control on any City-owned or operated property,” and that prohibits the City of Oakland from purchasing or using neonicotinoid pesticides.

About neonicotinoid pesticides

As cited from Oakland City Ordinance 13544, neonicotinoids are known to have acute and chronic effects that are highly damaging to bees, butterflies and other pollinator species. Neonicotinoid pesticides are slow to break down in plants and soil, pollute waterways highly toxic to aquatic invertebrates. Neonicotinoid use has also been linked to loss of birds due to a reduction in insect populations.

Information for limiting pesticide toxicity in the home and garden

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