IKE Digital Kiosk Program

The Digital IKE Kiosks provide residents and visitors maps, places of interest, and transit stops within the City of Oakland

The Interactive Kiosk Experience (IKE) kiosks utilize touchscreens with multiple applications and provide free WiFi. Applications on the kiosks can be used to find directions, places of interest, local food options and much more. IKE kiosks support multiple languages and are compliant with the federal American with Disabilities Act.

For additional information about the IKE kiosks please visit their website at https://www.ikesmartcity.com

Get your artwork featured on IKE

  • Every interactive kiosk in Oakland features an “Art on IKE” app, allowing residents and visitors to walk up, tap the app icon and learn how IKE Smart City’s Community Engagement team works to activate art on IKE kiosks. 
  • To inquire about getting your artwork featured on Oakland’s interactive kiosks, fill out your information in a quick inquiry form (click here). Click here for content specifications.
  • Organizations & Artists Featured on IKE: David Graves, Oakland Museum of Art, Pt. 2 Gallery, Ryan Whelan, Sadie Barnett

Advertise on an IKE

For sales and advertising Inquiries, email salesinquiry@ikesmartcity.com

Report vandalized or damaged IKE

Use Oak311 to submit a report using the category "IKE Digital Kiosk Needs Maintenance" 


For any questions about the program generally, please contact parklandish@oaklandca.gov

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