FAQs from District 7 Howard Terminal Town Hall (2022)

Scroll down to find the answer to questions presented during the Howard Terminal Town Hall

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Howard Terminal

(Disclaimer: The following responses are those that can be legally provided.)

Questions for the Oakland A's

  • If the A's decide to forgo Howard Terminal and move to Las Vegas after purchasing half interest in the Coliseum property, will they have to agree to any development or structural changes at the Coliseum should another sports team, i.e. African American Sports & Entertainment Group (AASEG), lease the remaining half interest the City owns?
  1. We are committed to the long-term positive success of East Oakland. We welcome partnering with individuals and groups who share our vision.

What is the plan to address parking in the area?What is the plan for safety in the area?
  • Our project includes infrastructure and transportation improvements for pedestrians and vehicles, grade separation for rail safety, and other enhancements.
What percentage of Oakland businesses will receive priority when bidding on jobs on this project?
  • The City, Port, and A’s are actively negotiating a comprehensive community benefits agreement that will include Project labor agreements, local hiring, apprenticeship policies, and workforce training, living wages and benefits; local, small and green business funds; and more.
Can you assure the Oakland residents that the A’s Home Owner Association will never try to sue the Port, Schnitzer Steel, and Railroad for their daily operation?
  • We strongly believe a thriving Port and ballpark can coexist.

Questions for the Port of Oakland

  • Is there a response from BCDC as to why Schnitzer Steel is better for Oakland than a ballpark?
    • We are not able to answer this question as it would be opining on the merits of the projects related to our seaport operations.
  • Project Labor Agreements (PLA) are not contracts. How will you hold accountable companies that violate the PLAs?
    • Maritime and Aviation Project Labor Agreement Is a binding agreement adopted by the Port of Oakland Commissioners and administered by the Social Justice Committee (SJC), who meets on a monthly basis to review and monitor social justice provisions (e.g., local hire). The Joint Administrative and Social Justice Trust Committee (JASTC) meets to help resolve issues and disputes as to the interpretation and implementation of MAPLA. There is a grievance subcommittee of the JASTC that meets as needed to resolve grievances.
  • Has the Port been working with its major stakeholders on this project? It seems this is just the Port working with the A’s without consideration of Marine stakeholders and Oakland voters.
    • While the City of Oakland staff will be proposing community benefits for the bulk of the CBA based on community input in areas such as housing, community safety and health and culture and education, the City has asked the Port to serve as lead on developing a jobs policy applying to jobs created by the Project to be worked within the Port Area on Howard Terminal (“Port Area Jobs Policy”). The Port Area Jobs Policy will be a component of the Project CBA. As a result, the Port is seeking input from a diverse group of community stakeholders that will inform the community benefit policy on two areas:
      • Port Area Jobs Policy to encourage local hiring; and
      • Local, small and diverse business contracting policy to encourage utilization of these firms in contracting throughout the life of the project
  • How is this development going to help build local contractors' capacity skill-set?
    • Port Proposed Key Elements:
      • Preference for contracting with local businesses​
      • Local, small, and diverse business contracting goals for design, construction, and concessions​
      • Mentor-Protégé, technical assistance, and match-maker events for local, small, and diverse businesses​
      • Compliance monitoring​
      • Regular public reporting of local, small, and diverse business participation
  • How do the building trades, who don’t have a good background of hiring folks (especially those of color) from District 7, provide entrepreneurial opportunities for young adults and other?
    • Under MAPLA, the building trades are required to develop and implement a plan/report to work with the Port and community-based organizations to provide future training and work opportunities by expanding career pathways into the trades for Alameda County residents, specifically Local Impact Area (LIA) residents comprised of Oakland, San Leandro, Alameda and Emeryville.
  • How will the Longshore and Warehouse union jobs that pay $100,000 - $400,000 per year stay available?
    • We are not able to answer this question as it would be opining on the merits of the projects related to our seaport operations.

Please review every FAQ. If you have questions, contact the District 7 team at district7@oaklandca.gov.

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