Apply for a Construction and Demolition Non-Exclusive Franchise Hauling Agreement

The only companies authorized to haul construction and demolition debris from Oakland job-sites are those that have a Construction and Demolition Non-Exclusive Franchise (C&D NEF) agreement from the City of Oakland. This requirement includes demolition contractors.

Download Insurance
Schedule Q insurance requirements (share with your insurer)
Apply Online
Fill out our C&D NEF application here

If your company wishes to haul C&D debris in Oakland, you may apply online by clicking the "Apply Online" button above.

Before You Apply: Be sure to download the City's Schedule Q Insurance Requirements for C&D NEF companies by clicking "Download Insurance" above.


An Application fee of $500 is required for all applications.

Mail your application fee to:

Oakland C&D Franchise Manager

Environmental Services Division, OPW

City of Oakland

250 Frank Ogawa Plaza, Suite 5301

Oakland, CA 9461


Questions? Email us at C& or call (510) 238-SAVE (7283) and ask about the C&D NEF Hauling Program.

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