The Energy Group

​The City's Energy Group reduces electricity and natural gas use and greenhouse gas emissions from City facilities through advancing energy conservation, efficiency and solar power generation.

The Energy Group advocates for and supports planning and implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy programs for Oakland residents and businesses. In addition to supporting energy efficiency throughout Oakland, the City is leading by example by reducing energy use in its own municipal operations. Highlights include:

  • Facility Energy Retrofits - The City of Oakland has retrofitted 129 of its 141 largest facilities, creating savings of over $1 million per year to the City's budget.
  • Civic Green Building Ordinance - The City adopted a Civic Green Building Ordinance requiring all new City facilities over $3 million in construction costs to meet LEED Silver green building standards.
  • Solar Energy - The City has installed 1 Megawatt of solar electric panels on the rooftops of our Municipal Service Center and the downtown ice rink. These panels provide approximately 2.3% of our municipal electric load.
  • Green Business Certification - The City has received green business certification for its Civic Center and Municipal Services Center facilities.

Posted: August 31st, 2018 3:44 PM

Last Updated: January 20th, 2021 8:01 PM

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