2015-2020 Consolidated Plan

The City of Oakland submits a consolidated plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) every five years. This plan supports funding including: - the Community Development Block Grant - HOME Investment Partnership - Emergency Shelter Grant - Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS grants.

Oakland 5 Year Consolidated Plan 2015-2020
Oakland 5 Year Consolidated Plan Presentation 2015-2020

City staff held two community meetings in May 2015. The first meeting was held at Oakland City Hall on May 6 from 5:30 to 7pm, a central location easily accessible by BART and with ample parking. The second meeting was held at the East Oakland Senior Center on May 18 from 6 to 8 pm. At the community wide meetings City staff solicited input on housing, economic development and community development needs and priorities. Other organizations and citizens invited to these meetings included East Bay Housing Organizations and City Council constituents. These meetings were advertised via email to a list of over 900 subscribers that included emails of participants from all Community Development District (CDD) boards and interested residents, representatives from community organizations and business owners involved in other Oakland community planning efforts (e.g.: Housing Element and Specific Plan email lists). In addition to the above email list, separate emails were sent to the constituent email lists for the Mayor and all City Council members. All CDD board representatives (approximately 59 members) received hard copy meeting announcements and surveys via USPS. A notice of these meetings was also posted on the City’s webpage. Interpretation services in languages other than English and for American Sign Language were also available for both community meetings. All meeting locations were accessible to wheelchairs. Following are the detail of comments and questions received during each community meetings and the City’s response to each of those comments and questions.

Public Hearing NoticeConsolidated Action Plan Community Meeting Recorded Public Comments 05/06/15Consolidated Action Plan Community Meeting Recorded Public Comments 05/18/15

Posted: August 31st, 2018 3:44 PM

Last Updated: January 20th, 2021 7:52 PM

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