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PAC Surveillance Technology Ordinance Approved by City Council

On Tuesday, May 15, 2018 the Oakland City Council unanimously approved its second reading of the Surveillance Technology Ordinance developed by the Privacy Advisory Commission over the past 18 months. This ordinance is considered the strongest surveillance ordinance in the country because it includes whistleblower protections and a provision prohibiting the City from entering into Non-disclosure Agreements. This ordinance will create transparency and accountability in surveillance practices and creates a thorough legally enforceable use policy with built in safeguards to ensure protection of civil liberties and the security of data.

In the upcoming months, the PAC will partner with all City Departments to create a list of existing technologies for which Allowable Use Policies will be developed and forwarded to the City Council for adoption. The public will have the opportunity to read and weigh in on those policies at the PAC meetings.

Here is the full ordinance.

Here are two articles about the ordinance:

East Bay Times - Oakland To Require Public Approval of Surveillance Technology

Cair California: Oakland City Council Approves Nations Strongest Surveillance Ordinance

Posted: August 31st, 2018 3:44 PM

Last Updated: January 20th, 2021 7:59 PM

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