Bring Your Own Bag Campaign

Did You Know?

Single-use bags, whether paper or plastic, create waste and litter and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Plastic grocery bags are made from oil – a non-renewable resource
  • Less than 5% of plastic bags are ever recycled
  • Paper bags are made of mostly virgin pulp from trees

One reusable bag replace 1,000 single-use bags over its lifetime!

If Californians cut 1/2 the consumption of disposable bags. We can save 2,000 barrels of oil a day.

Bring Your Own Bag!

A durable reusable bag is the best way to bring home your purchases.

  • Reusable bags are affordable and widely available
  • Tell the clerk "no bag" for small single items
  • Combine multiple purchases into one bag
  • Reusable bags show your commitment to the environmnt with style and flair

Tips to Remember Your Bags

  • Always leave some in the car
  • Hang them on your front door
  • Clip your grocery lists to the bags
  • Carry one in your backpack or purse

For Merchants

Offering your customers reusable bags is a great opportunity to advertise and show that you care about the environment Shoppers need your help and upport to remember to bring their own bags. Reminders placed in your store and store clerks who are supportive reinforce the meggage that you welcome their reusable bags. Oakland Recycles has developed free tools to help you participate in the campaign. Your support is key to this effort! Participating stores receive free reminders for shoppers like:

  • Removable window decals
  • Buttons for store clerks
  • Removable register decals

Here are some tips to help shoppers:

  • Ask customers at the register—”Did you remember to bring your own bag today?”
  • Ask clerks to wear their BYOB button to help customers remember their bag

Make remembering bags fun for your staff and your customers with a promotion or a fun activity! Ready to participate? Send us a message at Give us your name, store name & location and contact information. We’ll help you get started. You can also call the hotline and register at (510) 238-SAVE (7283).

Posted: August 31st, 2018 3:44 PM

Last Updated: January 20th, 2021 8:01 PM

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