Fruitvale Alive!

A protected bike lane and pedestrian safety project on Fruitvale Avenue between E12th St and Alameda Ave



**PROJECT UPDATE: Construction is ongoing on Fruitvale Avenue, and is expected to continue through Winter 2024/25. Whenever possible, please use alternate routes while traveling through this area**

For Construction-related inquiries, please email the Resident Engineer for the project, Eric Arico, at

For information about the Fruitvale Avenue bike lane and traffic signal safety project from E12th to E22nd, please visit this website link.

Fruitvale Alive! Background:

Fruitvale Avenue between E12th Street and Alameda Ave is critical gap in the City of Oakland's bikeway network. This stretch of roadway connects commuters and residents of Jingletown and the City of Alameda with the services, amenities, and high-quality public transit available around the Fruitvale BART Station. Home to numerous railroad crossings, the I880 underpass, and wide lanes that encourage high vehicle speeds, this corridor was the focus of a community planning and design effort from 2014 to 2016 where the City held multiple public meetings in the Fruitvale neighborhood. Following this outreach and design process, the City successfully applied for a California Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant for construction funding. This project will install the following elements on Fruitvale Avenue to improve safety and access for people using all modes of travel on Fruitvale - with a particular emphasis on people biking, walking, and taking the bus:

  • Widen the sidewalks by 5 to 7 feet on each side of Fruitvale Avenue
  • Install a sidewalk-level protected bike lane on the corridor connecting the Fruitvale Avenue Bridge to E12th Street and the Fruitvale BART Station
  • Create a new connection to a new segment of the SF Bay Trail through Jingletown
  • Close two "slip lanes" at the south side of intersection of Fruitvale and E12th (locations where cars make fast turns) and convert them into pedestrian and bicycle space
  • Install pedestrian bulb-outs where feasible to reduce the crossing distance for people walking
  • Install new landscaping and greenery to beautify the corridor and improve air quality
  • Install new pedestrian-oriented sidewalk lighting along the corridor




Map of Project: Fruitvale Alive!


Community Engagement and Design
2014 - 2016
Final Design
Summer 2021
Advertise Project for Construction
Fall 2021
**City Council Awards Construction Contract**
December 2021
Construction Begins!
Early 2023
Construction Completion (Estimated)
Winter 2024/25

