Supply Bank CEQA Compliance Documents

This CEQA Analysis document and appendices provide the required environmental review of the proposed development project at 5601 Oakport Street (the Project) at Assessor’s Parcel #s 41-3904-1-05, 41-3903-2-07 and 41-3903-2-08, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The intent of these document is to determine whether the Project’s effects were adequately examined in an earlier EIR prepared for a community plan, general plan or zoning action, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15183 (Case No. PLN19070).


Supply Bank CEQA Compliance Checklist (PDF)

This CEQA Analysis document provides the required environmental review of the proposed development project at 5601 Oakport Street (the Project) at Assessor’s Parcel #s 41-3904-1-05, 41-3903-2-07 and 41-3903-2-08, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The intent of this document is to determine whether the Project’s effects were adequately examined in an earlier EIR prepared for a community plan, general plan or zoning action, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15183 (Case No. PLN19070).

Supply Bank CEQA Compliance Appendices A-Q (PDF)

These CEQA Analysis appendices provide the required environmental review of the proposed development project at 5601 Oakport Street (the Project) at Assessor’s Parcel #s 41-3904-1-05, 41-3903-2-07 and 41-3903-2-08, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The intent of these appendices is to determine whether the Project’s effects were adequately examined in an earlier EIR prepared for a community plan, general plan or zoning action, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15183 (Case No. PLN19070).

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