Item 01 - Case File PLN06082 at 319 105th Ave in D7 re: To Operate a Limited Agricultural and Plant Nursery Business (PDF)
Item 02 - Case File PLN18319 at 4015-4027 Broadway in D1 re: To Allow a Retail Shop include Sales of Alcoholic Beverages (PDF)
Item 03 - Case File PLN18083 at 2042 MacArthur Blvd in D4 re: To Operate Full Service Restaurant (PDF)
Item 04 - Case File PLN18342 at 1301 30th Ave in D2 re: Installation of Monopole Telecommunication Facility (PDF)
Item 07 - Case File PLN18341 at 3111 International Blvd in D5 re: Install Wireless "Small Cell Site" Telecommunication Facility (PDF)