Department of Human Services Strategic Framework
Department of Human Services Strategic Framework
In 2002, the Department of Human Services (DHS) began developing an internal framework which articulated its key strategies and intended impact. This work is reflected in our Theory of Change, strategic framework and our narrative template.
Program Goals: What is the long-term goal that your program is trying to achieve? Note, goals are rarely attainable through the action of only one program, they require the efforts of many programs and the right set of external factors to support.
DHS Theory of Change: To what expected change(s) identified in Box 4 of the DHS Theory of Change does your program relate?
Mayor/City Council Objective: To what Mayor/City Council objective is this program linked?
Key Strategies and Mandated Activities: What the key groups of activities and strategies used by your program? Strategies are the broad description of groups of activities such as outreach and education, training, case management, etc.
Program Objectives: What are the key (and measurable) steps along the path to your goal that need to be accomplished? Objectives can be short- or long- term and can pertain to either the activities of staff as well as the desired impact/change on the target population (as a consequence of successful implementation).
Performance Measures: What are the specific elements of your program that you will track on an on-going basis (i.e., number of clients, % of client referred, number of trainings, development of curricula materials…etc) Performance measures reflect a program’s capacity, effectiveness, scope and scale as it carries out the functions related to its goals and objectives.
Department of Human Services Strategic Framework
Department of Human Services Theory of Change
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