2019 Labor Negotiations


Statement and Data re: Labor Negotiations--September 25, 2019 (PDF)

“The City of Oakland has focused on four key goals during labor negotiations: secure long-term health benefits for employees, offer a fair wage increase that is within the existing budget, speed the hiring process, and ensure we can deliver critical services to our community now and into the future. The City has proposed no changes to key benefits or civil service rights.

“We recognize the impact that vacancies have on departmental operations and have asked the Unions to partner with us in speeding up the hiring process to fill vacancies more quickly. The City has proposed minor modifications to unnecessarily restrictive and time-consuming processes that delay hiring and slow our efforts to fill vacancies in a timely manner. These proposed modifications are in line with best practices in other public agencies. So far both Unions have flatly rejected those proposals.

We look forward to continuing good-faith discussions during the upcoming fact-finding process.”

Internal and External Settlement Patterns (POWERPOINT)

This document shows: 1) How Oakland’s labor settlements (wage increases) compare with other local public agencies since 2013; 2) How labor settlements (wage increases) compare between the City of Oakland’s bargaining groups.

Oakland as a Competitive Employer (POWERPOINT)

This document shows: 1) How Oakland’s compensation compares to other similarly situated public agencies in the region, and 2) How the City of Oakland’s net take-home pay compares to the City and County of San Francisco

Semi-Annual Staffing Report (PDF)

This informational report, formally known as the “vacancy report,” provides an update on citywide staffing as of March 25, 2019, and includes the status of vacancies, recruitment and the City of Oakland full-time workforce. The total budgeted full-time positions were 4,455.17 full-time equivalents (FTE) with 645.66 FTE positions vacant, resulting in a 14.49% vacancy rate as of March 25, 2019.

Five-Year Financial Forecast FY2017-19 to FY 2021-2022 (PDF)

The purpose of the Forecast is to help make informed budgetary and operational decisions by anticipating future revenues and expenditures, as well as highlighting anticipated fiscal risks and opportunities. The Forecast surfaces major known fiscal conditions and projected future conditions based on current service levels and staffing.

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