August Update:
(August 28th, 2023)
Let’s be clear. Community safety is Oakland’s top priority. I witness the fear, anger and trauma in our community and want you to know that your City is working hard and working collaboratively across city departments, with other government partners, and with community and business organizations. We’re responding with short term urgency to make things better now and with long-term strategies to address root causes that will pay future dividends of safe communities. We know these challenges are much bigger than Oakland and that there’s no quick fix and no single solution. But we know we can do better and that we must.
Let me also be clear. There are some in Oakland and across our nation who use fear to drive wedges between us. This is a time for love, not hate. It’s a time for unity and working as One Oakland. I remain committed to creating an Oakland where:
- children can walk to school and play in our parks,
- neighbors gather in community and patronize our local businesses,
- seniors feel secure and respected, and
- we all experience love, joy and healing with the foundation of a thriving neighborhood, good jobs, affordable housing, quality education and accessible healthcare.
Oakland's challenges (like other major cities) require a collaborative approach — across the City and with our government partners, community organizations, business associations, and residents. We are expanding our comprehensive community safety solutions to:
- Address the root causes of violence and poverty,
- Prevent violence, retaliation and recidivism, and
- Improve response times to crises and solve more crimes.
In June, I proposed and funded an OPD staffing study which will assess the appropriate management and allocation of resources to ensure effectiveness and equity. For two years, I’ve said that the appropriate measures for effective policing are response times, solve rates, and crime rates. I’m committed to supporting improvements in all three, as well as achieving constitutional policing by getting out of the decades-long Negotiated Settlement Agreement that mandates police reform.
Now, here is the work that Oakland is doing, and that I am leading in my role as a Councilmember and Council President passing policy and approving budgets which the City Administration, under the Mayor's leadership, then implements to deliver services to Oaklanders.
Root causes
Growing inequality and state disinvestment in the resources that support working families are the root causes of poverty, homelessness and violence that harm our communities. Through the Housing Bond I put on the ballot, Oakland is now investing over $200 million to create affordable housing. We’re also expanding job opportunities for youth and adults, like our training academy for 18 to 30 year olds. By offering dignity and hope for the future, we’re making a powerful intervention in the cycles that produce harm.
Violence prevention
We’re also preventing violence before it happens. By partnering with trusted violence interrupters, outreach workers, and community ambassadors, we prioritize neighborhoods most impacted by gun violence and human trafficking — and save real lives. Community outreach workers and violence interrupters play a vital role in connecting with at-risk individuals, providing support, and offering alternatives to violence. Through their presence and expertise, they help build trust and work towards reducing violence, preventing retaliation, and decreasing recidivism in our communities. Community building events, like Town Nights, also offer safe spaces to prevent violence and foster unity in a fun and family friendly environment.

Town Nights in San Antonio & Chinatown
We’re also improving community safety with Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), by actively creating neighborhoods that discourage harmful and criminal activities. We’ve improved lighting, installed traffic calming speed bumps and traffic diverters, and invested in business facade improvements. And we’re rolling out even more of these projects in the coming months. Through CPTED, we aim to reduce traffic violence and disruptive events, like sideshows, and to discourage burglaries. In San Antonio, along E 15th Street, I worked with the community and city staff to install traffic diverters which have reduced human trafficking and dangerous driving in a residential neighborhood; and we will continue to address these issues across the neighborhood and our city.

Community meeting evaluating traffic diverters on E 15th Street
This Fall we will be activating our public spaces with even more events, partnering with our commercial corridors on safety strategies and services, conducting community safety awareness campaigns, and marketing the things we love about our town.
Community policing, crisis response, solving crimes
When you are in crisis, you deserve a swift response. When you have been the victim of a crime, you deserve justice. Oakland’s measures of success are shorter response times to 911 calls, higher clearance rates in solving crimes, and fewer crimes.
We’re not just talking, we’re doing it. We’ve prioritized hiring and retaining 911 dispatchers, MACRO crisis responders, firefighters and police officers. We are expanding MACRO (Mobile Assistance Community Responders of Oakland in the Fire Department) to answer non-violent 911 calls, allowing OPD to focus on violent crime. We have also civilianized police functions including special events and certain traffic enforcement to focus police on serious and violent crime, and we will civilianize internal affairs investigations next. We are adding more foot patrol officers in business corridors to improve community policing, and adding civilian investigators to solve more crimes.
With Mayor Thao's leadership, we are partnering more closely with all our government leaders and agencies. Our county and state law enforcement partners are providing support in key areas of Oakland. We are working together to identify those small groups of people committing crimes in our region. We are also working together to expand our tools and technology to deter and solve crimes, and these items, such as automated license plate readers that identify vehicles involved in crimes, will come before the Privacy Advisory Commission and City Council this Fall.

Little Saigon Community/Business meeting with OPD Capt. Yu & CP Bas
MACRO (crisis responders) ride-along with CP Bas & Staff
Community engagement is essential in our pursuit of a safer Oakland. Residents can voice their concerns, contribute ideas, and collaborate on solutions through active participation in Oakland's Neighborhood Councils (NCs). These councils serve as platforms for open dialogue and collective decision-making around neighborhood priorities with city staff and Council offices. (See our Neighborhood Updates below for more information on NCs.)
My team and I have been spending this summer recess connecting with neighbors and businesses to listen and problem solve, and we will continue to do so. (Read more below.) You can also engage in Oakland's citywide survey and town halls to help build our agenda and strengthen our partnership.
Additionally, community organizations such as Restore Oakland, CURYJ, and Asian Health Services play crucial roles in addressing trauma, promoting healing, and providing support to individuals and families affected by violence through offering free services and connecting victims to other services and resources.
Lastly, as your Councilmember and Council President, I am committed to building a safer and thriving Oakland, where every resident and business owner feels safe, secure, and supported. I continue to value and invite your collaboration and engagement to build an Oakland for all.
- My team joins the San Antonio Neighborhood Council meetings together with OPD and other partners, where we work together for a safer community, including working to curb violence and blight.
- We are grateful for our partnership with the San Antonio Neighborhood Coalition for our collaboration to address human trafficking, violence and dangerous driving including harm reduction solutions like the traffic barriers along E 15th Street. Our office will continue to collaborate on short-term strategies like targeted enforcement focused on exploiters and longer-term solutions involving outreach and services to women and children being exploited.
- We also appreciate our collaboration with Friends of San Antonio Park. The Park Master Plan is headed to the Planning Commission for the chosen Capital Improvement Projects – the playground and the Community Library and Resilience Hub. Our community vision for the park is part of a strategy for building a safer, healthier, thriving neighborhood.
May Update —
- Saturday, May 13th, 2023 at 10:30am to 12:00 noon on E. 15th St. & 18th Ave. The meeting is for residents of East 15th Street from 14th Avenue to 23rd Avenue, and the cross streets that intersect East 15th along that stretch. Come and learn about the updates to traffic and other safety interventions. See the flyer above for more information.
- Sunday May, 14, 2023 at 10:30AM Join TRYBE in celebrating the special mother figures in your life at Beloved: Mother’s Day! Event is free for all. See the flyer above for more information.
- With the multiple instances of violence in the past week, our office is dedicated to pointing residents towards resources that can support them in addressing issues, and raising the overall safety of the community. Please utilize the resources below to report specific issues to appropriate City departments:
- OAK311: Send requests to the city for routine maintenance and urgent infrastructure issues, i.e. potholes, abandoned vehicles, illegal dumping. If the requests is not addressed, follow up with our staff via email and share the Service Request Number in your confirmation so we can ask 311 staff to address the issue.
- Call 311 or (510) 615-5566.
- Homelessness: Report encampments, cleaning needs, and other issues related to our unhoused community.
- Email – you will be asked to provide information, including location, types of vehicles if any, description of conditions, photos.
- MACRO (Mobile Assistance Community Responders of Oakland): MACRO teams in the Fire Department respond to calls about homelessness, some behavioral or mental health calls, noise complaints, and people appearing drunk (and nonviolent) in public. MACRO units do not respond inside anyone's home, a domestic violence call, or anything that appears dangerous or violent.
- Call 911 to get a MACRO unit to respond, and in an effort to aid the dispatcher, the caller can stress that the situation appears to be non-violent and that a MACRO unit is desired, OR EMAIL, Subject: "Request for Service @ Address/Location + Call/Incident Type," Body: Description of Incident, any relevant history and if possible, a picture.
- Public Safety: Join a Neighborhood Council meeting in your area to connect with neighbors, city staff, and OPD Community Resource Officers designated to serve your area. Build connections and find solutions together.
- Emergency 911: Call 510-777-3211 if calling from a cell phone
- OPD Non-Emergency: 510-777-3333
- Oakland Fire Dept Non-Emergency: 510-444-3322
- Drug Tip Line: 510-238-3784
- Human Trafficking Anonymous Tip Line: 510-238-2373
- Emergency 911: Call 510-777-3211 if calling from a cell phone
- Traffic Safety Request Program: Check out OakDOT’s processes on submitting requests for improvements such as speed bumps, traffic signs, etc.
- Paving: See the city’s 2022-27 5-Year Paving Plan and the results of the 2019-22 3-Year Paving Plan. You can find streets that have been paved, upcoming paving and timing.
- Housing Resources: Get in touch with the City’s Rent Adjustment Program to access resources for tenants and property owners, including for housing counselors, navigating evictions, appeals, fees, etc. Connect with the City’s Housing Resource Center, a one-stop shop for information on City-funded housing services including listings for emergency shelters, transitional and affordable housing, foreclosure prevention: (510) 238-6182,
- Sideshows: Report to with as much specific info as possible, including location, day, time, how many cars, license plates, number of spectators, any firearm activity, and social media posts. Learn more about top sideshow hotspots and OPD / OakDOT’s pilot prevention program.
- OAK311: Send requests to the city for routine maintenance and urgent infrastructure issues, i.e. potholes, abandoned vehicles, illegal dumping. If the requests is not addressed, follow up with our staff via email and share the Service Request Number in your confirmation so we can ask 311 staff to address the issue.
April Update —
Safety Intervention — E. 15th Traffic Diverters, Traffic Signage, Safety Patrol: At the request of the community and as part of our holistic strategy to address human trafficking, OakDOT installed traffic diverters along the E. 15th corridor at three intersections on February 25th, 2023. Designed to disrupt cruising on this residential street that also has a school and nearby park, these traffic diverters are a pilot project that uses environmental design to prevent crime. Our holistic strategy also includes: supporting the victims and survivors of sex trafficking with outreach and services, conducting police operations targeting exploiters, and collaborating with other government and community partners. I feel hopeful that we will achieve our vision of a San Antonio neighborhood where our park is activated for our children and families with expanded programming and events, where our neighbors on E 15th St. are able to walk without seeing sexual exploitation or experiencing gun violence, and where our unhoused neighbors have dignified housing and the care that they need.
Outreach & Community Engagement: Multiple City of Oakland Departments, the District 2 Office, and Community Partners worked together to do community outreach two weeks before the installation of the traffic diverters by door knocking the neighborhood. During that time, we had multiple residents express an interest in the educational opportunity that had been created for residents to learn more about the issues of Human and Sex Trafficking, and the resources to support themselves and their community. The opportunity, which was a training led by Nola Brantley, outlined the different resources available to residents, how to engage with those resources, and a visioning session for other community-centered solutions that can be added to the neighborhood. Stay tuned for more community education opportunities.
San Antonio Park Playground & San Antonio Park Feasibility Study for a Community Library & Resilience Center:
Thank you to the Friends of San Antonio Park for your incredible work and partnership to envision the future of San Antonio Park for our families. In Oakland’s upcoming two-year budget, I am proud to support and advocate for our shared vision in my Budget Priorities:
- Supporting the community vision from the community-led master planning process with a feasibility study of constructing a Community Library & Resilience Center in or adjacent to San Antonio Park, with the Oakland Library serving as the anchor agency for the development of the building plan.
- Supporting the community’s short-term priority to renovate San Antonio Park playground, which Alameda County has allocated $100,000 towards.