
Volunteer to Clean and Restore Oakland's Creeks and Watersheds

Join the many efforts and organizations aimed at cleaning and restoring Oakland's creeks and watersheds. Whether it is keeping trash out of our waterways, restoring native plants and wildlife habitat in creek corridors, open space parks, and the bay shore, or monitoring wildlife, there are many opportunities to contribute and learn.

Volunteer with Oakland Animal Services

Through caring for animals in the shelter, helping get animals adopted, supporting community veterinary clinics and so much more, volunteers play an integral role in helping Oakland’s animals. Thank you for your interest in volunteering at OAS!

Voter Registration and Voting Location Information

Check your voter status or register to vote online. Registration must be postmarked or submitted electronically no later than October 24, 2022. There is also a list of approved voting locations as well as ballot drop box locations to participate in the November 8, 2022 General Election.

Wage Reimbursement

Businesses who hire and train new employees may be able to be reimbursed for some of their onboarding and training costs. This service is available to businesses who commit to following specific plans outlining the competencies, skills, and knowledge base that new employees need to perform specific job functions and tasks.

Wastewater Engineering Management Division

Wastewater Engineering Management Division is within the Bureau of Design and Construction, Oakland Public Works. The division manages the sanitary sewer collection system’s Capital Improvement Program and Private Sewer Lateral Program.

Watch Partnering for Public Trust

Past Commissioner Eddie Tejeda and Executive Director Whitney Barazoto highlighting the Open Disclosure project and the Commission's collaboration with Open Oakland in "Partnering for Public Trust" at the 2015 Code for America Summit.

Website Data Dashboard

Explore useful and interesting data about The City of Oakland's website using our public data dashboard

West Oakland Truck Management Plan (TMP)

The TMP includes 10 strategies that address truck routes, truck parking, and pedestrian and bicycle safety in West Oakland. Certain strategies are designed and organized to create noticeable benefits across large areas of West Oakland early in the implementation process. Other strategies will focus on remaining problems later in the implementation process.

What Are Democracy Dollars?

The Democracy Dollars Program offers a new way for Oakland residents to participate in local government by supporting campaigns and/or running for office themselves. Democracy Dollars are certificates that Oakland residents can give to participating candidates to help support their campaigns. The Democracy Dollars Program is expected to launch beginning in the 2026 election cycle.

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