The Brooklyn Basin project site is approximately 64 acres of waterfront property with 3,100 residential units, 200,000 square feet of ground-floor commercial space, and approximately 32 acres of parks and public open space.
The ECAP Ad Hoc Advisory Committee was dissolved after the 2030 Equitable Climate Action Plan (ECAP) was adopted in July 2020.
Chinatown near Lake Merritt BART received swift and effective safety improvements in July 2019
Construction for a new Community Center and park improvements at Mosswood Park is underway! The community has been an essential partner in this effort, beginning with a Visioning and Master Plan Phase, to envision the possibilities for the future Community Center and Park.
The 2030 ECAP establishes actions that the City and its partners will take by 2030 to equitably reduce Oakland’s climate emissions and adapt to a changing climate.
Oakland has launched an effort to design and build a new Community Center at Mosswood Park. The community is an essential partner in this effort, beginning with a Visioning and Master Plan Phase. Together we will envision the possibilities for the future Community Center and Park. It is critical to the success of this facility that we hear from YOU.
Investing in 14th Street as a community destination for safe strolling, shopping, and biking.
Together with the County, State, and Federal governments, the City of Oakland is one of many government agencies that work to pave your roads, clean your parks, and offer services to Oaklanders who need them the most. A City budget is the plan for how we will use our resources to provide services to the public.
On May 7, 2019, the Oakland City Council adopted the 2019 3-Year Paving Plan. Below you’ll find a summary of what OakDOT heard from Oaklanders about the paving plan proposal, what changes staff recommended for the final plan, and frequently asked questions and answers.
OakDOT is improving safety and accessibility on Telegraph Avenue connecting 20th Street to 42nd Street! Construction will be complete in October 2024!
The objective is to enhance the effectiveness and reach of the City’s communications to multi-lingual, multi-generational, racially and culturally diverse, English-speaking and non-English speaking audiences through clear and compelling visual communications.
The City of Oakland is undertaking a project to restore and seismically retrofit the historic Leimert Blvd Bridge
On January 18, 2019, the Oakland Workforce Development Board released the Request for Proposals for adult workforce development services in Oakland for July 2019 to June 2022.