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Elevator Maintenance Ordinance

In July, Councilmember Carroll Fife co-sponsored an ordinance requiring operators of residential properties with elevators to maintain elevators in an operable condition.

People with ambulatory and other mobility-related disabilities frequently rely on elevators to access multi-floor buildings. Access to a safe and functional elevator is often a determining factor when persons with mobility disabilities choose their homes. In residential buildings that contain elevators, regular elevator maintenance and expeditious repair of malfunctions are necessary to ensure that persons with mobility disabilities have continued access to their homes. The ordinance seeks to help ensure safe and continued access to housing for many residents with disabilities and sets out guidelines and requirements

This legislation was developed in partnership with the City Attorney’s Office, the Planning and Building Department, the Rent Adjustment Program, and the Mayor’s Commission on Persons with Disabilities. The City Attorney’s Office has also consulted with Cal/OSHA’s Elevator Unit, the state Civil Rights Department, and other attorneys specializing in disability rights. 

Read the legislation here.

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Posted: November 21st, 2024 11:43 AM

Last Updated: November 21st, 2024 11:43 AM

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