Pre-Approved Plans for Detached ADUs Now Available

The City of Oakland has developed a program to encourage the construction of detached Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) by offering a selection of pre-approved building plans for use on properties with Single-Family, Two-Family, or Multi-Family homes that can be downloaded from our website at no charge.

Pre-Approved ADU Rendering

The City of Oakland has developed a program to encourage the construction of detached Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) by offering a selection of pre-approved building plans for use on properties with Single-Family, Two-Family, or Multi-Family homes that can be downloaded from our website at no charge.

To streamline the review process, we are providing pre-approved plans for a Studio ADU, Single-Bedroom ADU, or Two-Bedroom ADU.

For full details on what's required for your permit application, anticipation fees, and what the process looks like to get your project approved, visit our Detached ADU with Pre-Approved Plans webpage.

Department Contact Information:

Planning Counter (510) 238-3911 | Building Counter (510) 238-3891

Customers can leave a message and receive a return phone call within 48 hours.

Tagged with: Planning & Building


Posted: April 13th, 2022 11:25 AM

Last Updated: April 29th, 2022 10:41 AM

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